[center][h2] [color=662d91]Ian Marcus, Archon of Gravity [/color][/h2][/center] Ian watched as Vanth was pulled from the room, a puzzled expression on his face as the invisible force pulled the other man away. He shook his head, turning back to the task at hand. An empty door-frame appeared in front of him with dark mist swirling within, clouding his vision of what may lay beyond through the door. He turned back to the others to see what they thought of the situation but to his surprise he found nothing but an endless white void with no one else remaining but him. He was alone. After a few moments of thought Ian decided that the only course of action would be to go through the doorway. The Voice had spoken of a prison and a time limit possibly to escape from said prison? It was most likely some sort of trial and he would need to get through it as quickly as possible in order to get out of this place. He took a few steps closer to examine the frame before finally shaking his head and entering the door. After what felt like an eternity, Ian stepped out of a similar dark doorway into a grand hall made of pure crystal that shined with reflected light from a roaring fire. The trial had been difficult for Ian to complete, playing against his fears and the weaknesses of his abilities. It had felt like an eternity that he had spent in that black void. He noticed two other dark doorways that he could only assume the other two archons would enter through. It seemed that he was the first one out. At the end of the hall there was a large crystal throne with the crystallized figure of a woman sitting on it looking towards the back of the room with a frozen expression. "That must be the final archon" he said out loud, making his way across the room towards her still form.