[quote=chukklehed] Wrath? on or for the goat? [/quote] Whatever context would give her some justification to be angry. [quote=Major Ursa] It's all good...Skender can spend another 50+ years regrowing what he's lost, if he doesn't either escape by utilising shape shifting, or kill your character in an epic fight that would prolly leave him maimed...>.> [/quote] Ah, but that's where the suffering merely begins. To know that for all your powers, your true form is not naught but a mangled mess, forever forced to put on a guise to hide your trueself... If you are even capable of hiding. Vera would ensure that the truth, no matter how horrific, remains in the light for all to see. For all to watch with disgust and hatred for things that you had brought upon yourself. It is not merely the pain of suffering that she will bring; it is the [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/116/c/c/shall_i_give_you_dis_pear_by_Charliemon.png]despair.[/url]