Atmospheric Combat. This was something that Yuu could handle...if not for the fact that they were hurtling their MAS directly through the atmosphere, instead of the drop pods. Ignoring the warnings blaring out, cautioning her about the increasing heat levels, as well as the fast approaching ground, she quickly rebooted her systems, switching in preparation for atmospheric operations. The moment her systems finished, she surveyed the battlefield. It was on the small side, although seemingly still packing enough heat to crush the four of them, shuttle not included, if they weren't careful. Watching as the Shrike moved in to destroy the SAM sites, while taking a minor detour to silence a flak cannon, their approach was much safer now. However, she was forced to shift her shield to block a flak round that flew straight at her, the heavy metal alloy taking the brunt of the explosion. Carefully timing the thruster pack, she ignited it at the last minute, slowing down just enough so that her MAS wouldn't become a mound of scrap. However, she had kept enough speed that when she landed on top of the other flak cannon, she all but flattened it under the weight and momentum of the Sovereign. Multiple warnings blared at her most recent action, notifying her of heavy mechanical loads on the leg joints. Immediately, she opened fire with the Savior cannons, the general purpose rounds thrown downrange towards the rest of the CIWS, as she began to slowly move.