[color=blue][center][h1][b][u]Peter Hasselbaink[/u][/b][/h1] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/6e770147daf508ff53fa81eb187382ec/tumblr_o0538j3yci1sgo9goo8_500.gif[/img] [h1]Camp Half~Blood - Obstacle Tower[/h1][/center] [hr] Before he had even gotten a response someone was pissed off. The centaur had looked like something was wrong the moment he turned, never a good sign. Especially when he brought up a father Peter had never met. His father had spoken to Chiron? About him? Had to be a lie. However when the centaur put his hand on Peter's shoulder there was a strange warmth to it, the aged teacher portrayed his strength and his care well and oddly this soothed Peter slightly, visibly letting him relax a little. He was also grateful they had taken some refuge away from the other larger group, they were animated as they milled around, talking and seemingly in the throes of some debate or discussion. Though he couldn't tell. The introduction to the camp he was given felt a little robotic in truth, something given hundreds of times before. Yet, it probably had been and whilst the selfish part of him wanted something unique for himself, the realistic part also understood that it would simply require too much time for something new every single time another -Half-god? No that wasn't right...Demi-god! That was what his mother had said.- appeared on their door. As Chiron gestured Peter followed with his eyes, appreciating the beauty and yet simplicity of the camp, in many ways it was totally relatable. A camp, in the countryside that had campers. On the other hand every detail was utterly alien. Everything had a twist that send his mind reeling. The interruption of Dionys- Mr. D. was a stark slap to the face of Peter, he had been thinking as Chiron was speaking and now he was dragged back to acting. Giving a faint smile he then nodded slowly, he would have preferred to keep talking to his new apparent mentor of sorts however no one grew by sticking with what they knew. Especially since he had no idea about this who stealing business. Yet this new girl probably did, besides, she sounded as if she had been here a while. As Chiron left Peter turned to his newest guide. Smiling slightly he offered a hand. "Peter Hasselbaink, pleasure." He was now in fact more comfortable, this girl looked a if she couldn't be much older than he was. Something about the shallow age gap was even more settling than Chiron's hand. Peter swiftly waved his hands around. "Care to show me around then, I am at a bit of a loss here." He chuckled slightly, before realising his chuckle may have been a little awkwardly placed and stopping. Damn. He was normally far more confident and calm than this, he was tipping and he was sure people could see it.[/color]