[i][color=ed1c24][center][h1]Alexina Broadchurch[/h1][/center][/color][/i] Alexina listened quietly as the four talked, She was pleased when Vespa came along and joined them, she was indeed another powerful witch, with more cause than any to kill Fenros. But the reason she didn't answer for so long was Lorelai, She was more worried for her as her spasms started up, her free hand started to rub her back gently, Her long fingers delicately finding pressure points to sooth the pain. Vespa expressed concern for the news, and she should. She head heard as well that Elina had fallen for the hunter and failed to kill him for his spiritual power. And what she heard from Lorelai, that would have made Elina possibly far more powerful than her sister if she had gone through with it. Being that Fenros's mother was a witch, be it a good witch but still, and his unnatural strength which none have still figured out why he has so. She finally spoke up, "Fenros was spotted outside of the town below, killing the three Allistar Sisters... by himself, then he tortured some information out of them. My eyes in the forest found it most disturbing. But it may be clear that he gained some useful information. But I doubt Fenros would come up with other hunters, he's been known to only work alone, If he does not meet up with the rest of the hunters nearby I doubt he can handle attacking the castle alone. " She squeezed Lorelai's hand and then said, "Let us hope he is not as powerful as his father... who defeated the Lord of Ruin in his old age, A testament to his power, and of The Lord Terror and of Pestilence when he was younger." The black plague caused by the lord of Terror and Pestilence was killed and sealed by Hector at the end of the plague almost 30 years before, how he had managed to defeat two dark Lord's (that she knew of) in his lifetime was scary. "If he Enters the forest, Ill send Fury Fang and his pack to stop him." Fury Fang being the biggest of the timber wolves in the forest, and strongest, Having taken in two packs after defeating the other's Alpha. [hr] [center][h1]Alltia[/h1][/center] Alltia Hesitated a moment at the woman with white hair call to her, she was indeed tired... but her presence confused her...she never met this woman before in her life. Yet she was...familiar somehow. Lowering her head slowly she started to sniff again, but it revealed nothing. She slowly made her way forward to the woman. Once to her she continue to hesitate, until she sniffed her hand and finally relaxed. Sitting down she was almost to the womans chest. "At least you don't smell as bad as he does..." She said...to her self, as Fenros was the only one who really was able to hear her... "But yes I am tired... and hungry." She looked down at the cat. "I could eat you....would you let me?" She said amused to the cat below her, cowering behind the womans legs. [@Meiyuki][@SillyGoy][@Jupiter Hollow]