[@Eviledd1984] The hotel seems empty of any human life, save for the occasional charred skeleton. On the desk is another note, written in the same gristly fashion. [i] BRING THE CREATURE TO CAERBOG'S STATUE. CAERBOG WILL BURN IT HIMSELF IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO EMBRACE CAERBOG'S G[s]OR[/s]LORY. CAERBOG DEMANDS SACRIFICE.[/i] [@AeonSpiral] The dome is quite cool and well-ventilated on the inside, bleached white, although there was yellowing on parts of the ceiling and corners of the floor. A battered old radio on top of a stool plays old psychedelic tunes that gently bounce off the curved walls. A sunburnt young man in an equally battered leather jacket and torn jeans stokes the fire with a shovel. He jumps when he sees you come in, and holds his digging tool up warily. "Don't loot me!" [@HHHippo] "It doesn't help [i]here[/i], necessarily... But in the long run... Y'know..." He scratches his head, "I've got a lot of potential customers in here. Drink a few glasses of the champagne in your mini-fridge, and then come to the courtyard here. You'll see what I mean." He appeared to be very uneasy about whatever it was that he was implying, and even more painfully self aware about how unusual this must have sounded.