[center][h2]Xena Rock Field[/h2] [sub]The Ambush Point[/sub][/center] By now, Yvette was shifting her weight around carefully, as if to avoid further injury as she lifted her head off the ground and glared at Luke. Upon hearing Onweer's ideal, she nodded subtly and coughed up a throat full of dust. [color=9e0039]"We've no quarrel with... The divers, beyond what you've stirred, battle-mage,"[/color] Yvette heaved, rising to her feet slowly but surely. She turned towards Brian and Cecil, nodding kindly, to inform that surrender was confirmed, finally looking towards Onweer, somewhat pleased with the girl's action. Luke turned to Yvette momentarily, somberly craning his head around to trace the Diver and Junker bodies strewn across the rock fields. Brian rushed to Cecil's side to comfort him as soon as the moment presented itself, fully confident that Yvette would be fine without assistance. That woman was practically a machine, despite Luke's earlier surprise attack. The fact that she'd been knocked out of the fight so casually was very concerning, but Brian's anxiety was slowly melting away with each passing moment. As the conflict came to a pause, there was still one peculiar detail that lurked in the back of Luke's mind. Where was the fourth squad of Divers off to? They'd circled around the truck, but they were nowhere to be seen, even though there was ample time for them to assist. Did they chicken out? Luke felt something rumble across the soles of his feet, resonating up his femurs and throughout the rest of his body. What the hell was that? Brian felt it to, and turned towards the cleared path of dirt that the ATV had left in its wake on the way into Xena. Anyone else with sensitive feet might've felt it too, but what the hell was upsetting the terrain? [color=82ca9d]"Burials 'aint gunna be necessary..."[/color] Luke growled with a frown, walking back over to his long sword.