His stupidly is the only mercy he will ever be graced with. Death is a mere stage of evolution for Vera. Do you know why? No, you don't. He is, after all, "Too dumb to know". So I will explain. Vera is a tainted soul. And when her spirit finds its destination, she will topple the master of that dark place. From her black throne, she will lash together a machine of bone and blood, and fueled by her hatred for you, this fear engine will bore a hole between this world and that one. When it begins, you will hear the sound of children screaming — as though from a great distance. A smoking orb of nothing will grow above you, and from it will emerge a thousand starving crows. As she slip through the widening maw in her new form, you will catch only a glimpse of her radiance before you are incinerated, freed of the suffer of the past to face a new torture unkown. Then, as tears of bubbling pitch stream down her face from the sorrow of the lost, her dark work will begin. She will open one of my six mouths, and will sing the song that ends the earth.