Ariin could see it, Irina rising out of the pit the zone over, he dropped to a knee and aimed. That fucking bitch better not hurt her, I'll guy her like a street urchin. He said, he thought of his little sister being held like that no doubt sacred and in pain. He locked his target and waited, he didn't want to hit Sigma but honestly right now it was his best chance to hit her. That's when he heard Sigma over the radio, damn near made him call out to her, his middle sister was the same age as her now. He watched in shock as Sigma broke free, the explosion was impressive as she tried to shoot the Skroll. Ariin was pissed, hurting, and frankly fed up with this game. He he fired his first volley then second, then third. Six slugs from long range targeted right for the Skroll. If Sigma's explosion hadn't dazed her enough and they all missed, well she would close the distance and then he would probably go next. He didn't care, Irina had hurt one of his team mates he needed Paladin to stand his ground and put this bitch on ice. He spoke on the open channel. "HEY! Irina, pick on someone your own age or are sacred of fighting a real frame!" He taunted over the radio, swapping to the team channel he spoke to his team mates, his voice was soft as if he already had evaluated that if this failed he was out of the game. "I'm drawing Irina in... If those shot didn't get her I might be able to buy some time with my armor and shield. Work together, help each other... We can't lose, we owe Sigma a win she just gave us a fighting chance." He told them as he got up off a knee and raised his shield, holding his position he scanned for Irina, praying Sigma's sacrifice and his own timed attack might have brought down the monster they were up against, he doubt he defeat Skroll through.