[@tex] [@Wind Wild] [@Gisk] [@Unfortunately] [@FateWeaver] [center][h2]Xena Rock Field[/h2] [sub]The Ambush Point[/sub][/center] Jenso gave a sigh of relief as Yvette agreed to surrender. A lot of tension fell off his shoulders. [color=f26522]"Yeah! We did it!"[/color] He cheered, raising his arms in the sky. As he did this, he let his guard down completely. During all of the fighting that he had done, Jenso forgot all about the 4th group of Divers. As Luke turned his head towards the many dead bodies across the battlefield, Jenso's smile vanished and he lowered his arms. Despite that the Divers had won, it all came at a great cost. He wanted to believe that by destroying the cannon, he at least managed to save some lives. As Luke got completely silent and Brian suddenly turned, Jenso was confused. [i][color=f26522]'What's he looking at..?'[/color][/i] He thought, looking at the cleared path of dirt. Due to standing on the roof of the ATV, he did not feel the ground rumble. But he remembered what Onweer had said. Brian had a special ability to sense things from great distances. Were the Junkers getting any reinforcements? He got in a combat stance once again. Even though he was ordered to keep an eye on Onweer, his focus was now completely aimed at the path of dirt. As Luke spoke and walked over to his long sword, it seemed that Jenso was right to be concerned. Someone or [i]something[/i] was coming, and it wasn't part of Luke's plan.