[@Lord Zee][@SouffleGirl123][@Cuccoruler] Octavia giggled a bit at the young guardsman's joke. [color=ed1c24]"Oh really? I fear that the kingdom of darkness is too dangerous. Even to such a strong guardsman such as yourself. I was lucky and barely made it out alive!"[/color] She replied teasingly. They eventually arrived at Octavia's chambers. They exchanged their "good evenings" before Octavia entered her room and collapsing onto her bed, falling asleep in a matter of minutes. ======================================================== The next morning, the chiming of bells echoed throughout the kingdom of light, as the first lights of dawn poked through the sky. Villagers and a few aristocrats had gathered in the throne room, wherenthe king sat upon his regal throne and Octavia stood beside him, awaiting the upcoming ceremony. The room was veiled in a hushed murmers as the people talked of the events and rumors of yesterday's events. The king slowly stood up from his throne and raised his hand, instantly silencing the murmers and was replaced by a hundred anticipating stares. The was a seemingly long silence. The king extended his hands and received the flower buds from the fae child. In his palms, the buds started to glow. [color=fff200]"Yesterday... 2 valiant soldiers of light... A child of man and a child of fae... risked their lives to protect my daughter... Therefore... For their act of great kindness.. And selflessness... I grant them one wish each."[/color] His voice finally boomed throughout the room so all may hear. The buds then arose into the air, then slowly started to rotate in a circle, and along with it came another long period of silence. [color=fff200]"In the beginning... When our world was but a newborn. There existed 2 separate worlds. A world of light... And a world of darkness... From those worlds two brothers were born... Twins... Each born of the purest of light and the purest of darkness. Born into their own realms, never to share them with their other half. The brotherly love they felt for each other was a sad one... Those pitiful brothers... Only getting as close as the border itself so that they may meet and play together... Their existences were lonely ones. Without the existence of any other beings in this world, they longed for that of another. Thus... They started to create. The brother of light... He wished for companions in which he could love and recieve that love in return. From the Earth, man was born, from the trees, came the children of fae, from the running waters, came the elves, and from the sky and light of the sun, was the brother of light's finest and most beautiful creation, the angels. The brother of darkness... He seemed to create beings that were as strong and long lived as he. From the souls of the fallen, he created phantoms and reapers, from beasts, he made were wolves, from frost, he made vampires, and from his own blood, he created his most powerful and terrifying creatures... Demons. The proud brothers shared their creations with one another and were finally able to share their worlds. They promised to never have their creations fight and for peace to reign eternal. However... As time passed, the strong bonds of brotherhood waned. And the promise they made... Broken. The two brothers, once so close, declared war and could be no further apart."[/color] The king booming voice fell silent. [color=fff200]"We are at war... We have been at war for over a thousand years. This is not new nor has it changed..."[/color] The king took a long deep breath. Suddenly, three faeries popped out from the flower buds clad in white. [color=fff200]"Rida... For your valiance and wit, I assign to you these 3 faeries. Embued with the power of light, they shall serve you well."[/color] The king announced. Octavia stepped forward. She wore a white [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ec/f9/b3/ecf9b309ade05d1f2d0a01edfd49d3a0.jpg]dress[/url] and matching [url=http://data.whicdn.com/images/68498225/large.jpg] headpiece[/url]. She stretched out her wings, her dagger in hand, and lightly touched each shoulder once. [color=ed1c24]"For your courage and for protecting me with your very being, I bestow upon you the honor and title of 'sir'. Now rise Sir Lucius, Knight of Angels."[/color] Octavia's voice echoed throughout the room. Unlike before, she did not give off the appearance and aura of a child, but rather, a divine authority; a queen. With the ceremony concluded, the people applauded and cheered, congratulating the new knight and squad captain. They came up to greet the two and amongst the crowd, Octavia slipped back to her spot next to her father. The Kings smiled approvingly and pet her head a bit. Amongst the crowd, Octavia spotted the guardsman from last night and sent him a smile and a slight wave, before returning her gaze to the crowd.