Ninke held the trigger of the laspistol in her right hand down, unable to miss the mass of greenskins as they surged forward. All over the breach guardsmen tangled with orks, spilling eachothers blood in vicious melee, baynets flashed alongside choppas and chainswords, blood sprayed through the air, the deep crimson of man blood mixed with the dark black blood from dying orks. It was madness, as soon as one ork fell two more took its place and though the guard fought with a zeal befitting legend they began to falter. The massive green beasts slowly pushed their way further into the breach killing and shoving guardsmen and eachother to get at the fight. Ninke shot for all she was worth, trying to desperately to land her las rounds in the heads of orks to drop them quicker. Largely she was succesful, the ork heads were large and very close and the shots were powerful enough at this range to drop the massive beasts. It wasn't long before the pistol ran empty, and she had no clip to replace it, dropping her companions pistol and reaching for her own. Drawing her own laspistol from its holster, she pointed it at the closing horde, shouting at the top of their xeno lungs and screaming for blood and carnage. This may be the end... she would never again see Belgond or leave this world... she would be trampled by the Greenskins as they grew closer it wa- NO! The Empereor would not let them die here! She was one of his faithful, and the foul xenos would not kill her here! One particular greenskin charged the pair of Guardsmen, Ninke placed a shot in his eyes, screaming from her ragged lungs as loud as she could, but it kept running, it raised its choppa to the woman- and its head exploded. She was confused, and then she saw them! On the outskirts of the Greenskins! Figures... humans... Guardsmen! Thick lasrounds hurtled through the ork ranks, slicing the foul greenskins to pieces! She could see the gas masked kreigers, calmly and effeciently making their way forward, flanked by chimeras and proud Leman Russ tanks, the orks were panicking! They tried to surge backwards, charging into the marching Kreigers, but had no chance in hell. They were cut down in droves as the Guardsmen of the breach surged forward, the ork lines breaking. Ninke wished she could join them, and that she did not prevent her companion from joining in the charge. but... they had did it! As she fired into the shrinking horde she cried, sobbing, tears obscuring her vision somewhat until again she was out of ammo, with no more clips. It didn't matter, she continued to pul the trigger, crying and sobbing as she did. They would live! They would live! She tried to speak, to let her companion know she did not cry for fear, [color=f49ac2]"I-i-eets-*sob*- Eets done! Ve are... ve are-*sob*- g-g-go-going to life! ve-ve-*sob-"[/color], it was all she could manage, overcome with her joy as she let her arm and pistol drop, bringing her hand to her face to cover her mouth and stifle her soobs.