Alexander put the last box of his stuff in his room. He looked around at the bare room. "It's going to take a while to get use to living here." He said to himself. He then heard a knock on the door, He walked over and opened the door "what's up?" He asked. His mother replied "I heard that there is a festival going on in town, why don't you go and see if you can make some friends before school starts." Alex sighed and said "you honestly think people from my school are going to be there?" His mother said "it can't hurt, plus your father will give you money to for the booths." Alex chuckled and said "you just don't want me home alone do you." His mother smiled and said "yeah you are such a troublesome kid" She started laughing not being able to keep a straight face. Alex laughed as well and said "thanks mom, I think I'll go then." He then hugged his mom and then walked down to his father's study. Alex entered his father's study which was half filled with books. Alex said "hey dad mom said you would give me money for the festival" His father chuckled a bit and said "she finally convinced you to leave your room huh?" He then got down off the ladder he was on and pulled out his wallet and gave Alex some money. "now don't blow it all on food, and remember to get your mother something." He said. Alex chuckled and said "yes sir, don't have too much fun while i'm gone." His father chuckled and said "we are going out to eat anyways." Alex chuckled and said "alright take care dad" He then left the house and headed toward the festival around 7:45 am. He ended up in the park nearby and said "crap, I should have found a map to where it was."