Lance listened to his conversation partner as she replied to his ill constructed statement. He was about to reply, and remind her of the trade request. When a sudden new voice encroached on the conversation, Lance looked over to see a ambiguously dressed...fellow?, a person at least. Probably. They were asking about a group formation, it seemed people were thinking alike as of now. "Uh, well..." Lance began to reply to both people when suddenly shouts and various other action like sounds broke out around him. He looked back to see a person starting to run towards them. The man bumped into the busker and kept running, bursting out the door. Lance moved out of the way to allow the chef and waitress pass through, he didn't understand what was going on but wasn't sure he wanted to take on any magic wielding hostesses in his current condition. He looked to the colorful person who had recently approached them and was about to ask if he/she was alright when the doors burst open yet again. Two large bodies clad in armor presented themselves with another gentleman who seemed hurt in a different way. Soon people were charging yet again in Lance's current direction. The two knights began to chase the "party leader" through and down deeper into the inn. Things were moving fast. Lance had no idea what to say now. "...I-I'm not a masochist..." he finally said starring blankly at the doors a fox seemed to have just run through. He didn't want to ask whether or not that fox was the rugged fellow who had set up the invitation for monster hunting. With this game, he could guess. Lance sighed out of confusion. "A group sounds wonderful to me..." he said it a bit sadly now, maybe he was getting into more then he wanted...