[hider=Taxian Furthlowe] [center][h1]Taxian Furthlowe[/h1][/center] [center][URL=http://s1179.photobucket.com/user/dmlittle83/media/nobility_zpstccfmqzy.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x400/dmlittle83/nobility_zpstccfmqzy.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] [center]What he says: "Forever is only a lifetime, everything that follows is eternal." What they say about him: "If ever there was a master smithy, It'd be Taxian alright! That man can forge a blade straight as an arrow, despite his head spinning like a top after he's drowned in his cups."[/center] [hr][hr] [h3][center]The Basics[/center][/h3] Name [indent]Taxian Furthlowe[/indent] Birthday [indent] March 1st 1976[/indent] Age [indent] 39 [/indent] Gender [indent]Male[/indent] Sexuality [indent] Heterosexual [/indent] Appearance [indent]Standing at six foot four, Taxian is a wall of muscle. Steel grey eyes with black hair and often sports a five o'clock shadow. Despite the two jagged scars running down his left eye, he can see perfectly fine with both eyes.[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][h3]Skills[/h3][/center] Sorcerer Type [indent]Enchanter[/indent] Skills [indent][list][*]Martial Arts [*]Marksmanship [*]Age: Age equals experience [*]Strategist [*]Weaponsmith [*]Gunsmith [*]Armorsmith[/list][/indent] [hr][hr] [center][h3]Digging Deeper[/h3][/center] Likes [indent][list][*]Fighting [*]Eating cultural foods [*]Drinking [*]Sharing or selling knowledge [*]Working the forge [*]Making money [*]Cooking [/list][/indent] Dislikes [indent][list][*]Bad food [*]Stuck up people [*]Losing money [*]Owing people favors [*]Authority [*]Trying to relate to younger generations [*]Dishonesty[/list][/indent] Habits [indent][list][*]Grumbling to himself [*]Keeping a journal [*]Drinking[/list][/indent] Hobbies [indent][list][*]Reading [*]Writing [*]Exercising[/list][/indent] Fears [indent][list][*]Falling in love [*]Losing his mind [*]Going out of business[/list][/indent] Personality [indent]Taxian may come off as a grumpy old man to some, or cold to others. Even though he’s only thirty-nine, he’s seen a lot of death in his time, lost people he loved and faced a lot of hardship given his unique skillset. If someone were to take the time to get through to him though, they would find a more sensitive man tucked away behind that icy steel grey stare of his. [/indent] History [indent]Taxian comes from a blood line that uses their enchanting talents when forging weapons. Originally they used their skills to forge bladed weapons then once guns came around it was only natural to explore forms of using their skill with modern weaponry. These weapons were always masterpieces and the bloodline took great pride in them. Taxian was once a freeman forced into service by the empress’s army at a very young age following the brutal slaughtering of his immediate family. Forced to toil over the forges of an army he hated driven by the views of a ruler he hated even more he spent his days plotting revenge. Until that fateful day that he tasted freedom once again.Now lending his services to the rebellion he makes an earnest living forging gear for the rebellion forces.[/indent] [hr][hr] [/hider]