I would post and stuff, but instead I have to spend hours wading through the OOC. Up to page 212 for my own reference, and read up to the Ventus-Slough collab (haven't read that yet). Let's see if I can remember what I read and needed to say. Excellent entry into the world for Lifprasil. If any Urtelem meet those Cold Walker people, there's going to be a fearsome fight. The Urtelem probably have the advantage since swords do next to nothing and you can't freeze them. My next post will have some commentary on Slough's life and stuff. I'll throw in some commentary on Jvan's life too. Where was that guy who wanted to make a demigod of blacksmithing? Once I get my Hain Hero trained I should get his demigod made, given the explosion of sentient races lately. If you're out there, could you show me your character sheet? Appearance, personality, abilities, goals. It will help me figure out how to go about making your demigod. And we'll need to collab for the creation, probably. Speaking of the explosion of sentient races, I need to hurry up and get my Hero trained, or else I'm going to get left behind. But I'm already getting left behind, as I've got IRL stuff to do and there are many posts. P.S. got to go now. I told myself I would leave 20 minutes ago, in fact...