[h1][center][color=#63D1F4]Christopher[/color][/center][/h1] Christopher had woken up later than he wanted. He was up late last night, way too excited to just sleep. He watched television until he couldn't stay awake anymore. Chris never really was a night owl, but events like this always seemed to keep him up. Chris turned his head to see the clock and gasped rather loudly. [color=#63D1F4]"Oh no!"[/color], he yelled upset as he looked at the clock. He jumped out of bed and rushed to get ready. He showered faster than ever, threw on clothes quickly, and ran out the door. He ran down his street, not realizing he was running the wrong way until he saw fields of grass. He let out an irritated sigh before running back in the opposite direction. After a long bout of sprinting, he finally arrived to see all his classmates. He panted as he bent over and placed his hands on his knees to catch his breath. He stood up after a few seconds and looked up at the sky. He smiled, glad he was finally here. He walked around a bit before sitting down alone, still catching his breath.