[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3439737][img]http://puu.sh/nIamP/84265a0393.jpg[/img][/url] [hr] [hr] [color=#70DBDB]"Sai~! Oohhh~ You look so cute!"[/color] Sai watched Ayumi as she stood up and smiled. It didn't look like Ayumi knew how to tie her yukata properly, which was fine. She still looked really nice with it on. She blushed a little at Ayumi's compliment, and decided to return the favor. [color=fff200]"Thanks, Ayumi. You look really nice."[/color] She said, and muttered something under her breath to herself. [color=aba000]"You just couldn't think of anything else, huh?"[/color] [color=#70DBDB]"You're in the singing contest, aren't ya? Haha, I might just join the bread eating contest!"[/color] Ayumi said. This had snapped her out of it, so she could actually give her an answer that isn't shit this time. [color=fff200]"Yeah, I'm in the contest."[/color] She said. She had what she was going to sing in mind, but just wasn't sure if it would be good enough. [color=aba000]Doesn't matter now, because it's too late to change it[/color], she thought. [color=#70DBDB]"Well, i'm sure you'll do great! Oh! Do ya want to go check out some of the other stalls? I saw a mask one over there and I think i'll go get a wolf one."[/color] Huh? Oh yeah, the stalls were set up now. Did she really not notice them behind Ayumi? Huh. Sai's usually more observant than that. She shrugged it off, though. [color=fff200]"I'd love to."[/color] Sai said, before noticing some lost guy that was near the park. She followed Ayumi over to him, and let her ask the questions. Sai observed the guy, and he looked like someone she could talk to. She wasn't suspicious of him. Yet. Hopefully he ends up like a second Chris or something. Speaking of Chris, he was actually right over there. She gave him a short wave, but didn't go over to him. She didn't want to ditch this other guy for now. [hr] [@Dmessenger] [@sakurasan]