Brombrent had bearly finished with the message boeard, when he heard an explosion from the street he had come from a little earlier. A few momants later he saw a man running like his life depended on it, and it turned out he pretty much was. Hot on his heels, a larger man gave chace, he looked looked borderline insane with fury. Was that the chef from the inn? He'd seemd like such a gentle guy when he'd breifly spoken to him earlier. His quarry lost down a bolthole-like alley, he settle on expletives to realease his pent up anger. Another player approached the chef, and handed over what appeared to be coins. Was that first player fleeing a debt, and was he now paying it? Or was this some sort of scam? Selflessness was a precious comodity at time like these, and without plenty of it Brom doubted that they'd be able to solve this game. But he had to be sure. So, from a distance, he followed that last man to the city gates.