Thoughts of the delicious food danced across her mind as she scurried down to the port, [color=00a99d]"That fish realllly knew how to cook, geez I gotta get me someone like that."[/color] She exclaimed. [color=00a99d]"A hunk with nice taste,"[/color]. Now she was day dreaming out loud. She just wanted to eat lots of good food and fix boats all her life, that wasn't so much to ask. Nearing the docks she quickly took note of the clamor. [color=00a99d]"Yup!"[/color] she proclaimed as soon as the boats were withing eye sight [color=00a99d]"Those boats are screwed. I mean really, they're fucking sunk."[/color] only a single marines boat stood tall and un-sunk, and that's where she was going! [color=00a99d]"No use in standing around like a dunce!"[/color] From a distance it looked like the marines were firing on anyone close to the ship. Infact a bunch of people were screaming bloody murder "Holy fuck the marines are open firin'" and "We're all screwed" the people said. [color=00a99d]"What a bunch of dumb asses the ports the other way, that's how you get off this water locked piece of crap,"[/color] She yelled at them, unamused by their idocracy, and also to hear herself speck. She really did sound nice, at least in her opinion. Finally at the docks she realized, the idoit marines couldn't tell scum from high quality recyclable trash! they really did just higher any old idiot with a gun these days. [color=00a99d]"Man society humped if these are the shitlords the best of the best can higher-"[/color] open bullet fire drown out her words. She could make out the marines, with guns, firing, at her!! It wasn't cool. [@hatakekuro] Ducking to the side she made her way around until she caught sight of gum-boyHe was kicking some major ass. Unable not to comment she yelled out [color=00a99d]"Gum boy keep it up with that nasty slim shit!! Your doing great hunny!"[/color]. It was doubtful that he heard her. None the less this was were she was happy to be, yelling from the sidelines like a highschool cheer leader. The only thing that could make this party better would be some really good food.