[@Draconequis][@Ninian][@BytheSpleen] [h2][color=darkturquoise]Devon[/color][/h2] [b][Route 701][/b] Devon continued to stare at the strange wristband-like device on Liza's arm for a few moments as he walked along, nodding as she said it to be a Sinnoh prototype. [color=darkturquoise]"A Sinnoh prototype? So it's a new model of Pokétch? Silph and The Pokétch Company teaming up to make Pokétch's into phones now too? Awesome."[/color] When asked what his Mother's role was at the Silph Company, Devon's eyes went back to Liza's face as he shoved his hands in his dark red hoodie's pockets. A smile came to his face. [color=darkturquoise]"My Mom handles the advertising side of the company. So some of those billboard and magazine ads you see around Johto and Kanto? Those are made by my Mom. She's pretty good at it too. I can't really work computers like she does. I'm better at working construction with my Dad in Sinnoh."[/color] Sirina talked of exchanging numbers with him and Pent, and Devon was all for it. The teen nodded at the girl. [color=darkturquoise]"Sure Sirina. That'd be cool. Here."[/color] The carefree Trainer fumbled his hands around in his pockets as he blew a few stray brown strands of hair out of his face. A moment later he came up with a [url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/f/f2/Pok%C3%A9gear_HGSS_m.png/200px-Pok%C3%A9gear_HGSS_m.png]sleek blue flip phone[/url]. Holding the new model Pokégear out to the teen girl in her wheelchair, the boy smiled. [color=darkturquoise]"Just throw your number in and text me. Then I can just put you in my contacts. By the way, you and Liza were talking about going for Gyms earlier? I was thinking of trying to take down a few while I'm in Viore myself. It'd be cool to have badges from three regions. You ever want help or a battle, call me."[/color] Devon noticed Pent struggling to move on the unequal terrain, and looked back at the man as he still held the phone out to Sirina. A frown stole as his feature, and he bit his lip as addressed the Professor. [color=darkturquoise]"You ok there Pent? Do you need any help?"[/color]