[center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/merlin1/images/0/09/Merlin-logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20120507213317[/img] [h3][color=FFDF00][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7zup47QZB1rt3fn2.gif[/img] “I put my life in your hands every day, Merlin, as do Arthur and Gwen and all of Camelot, though they may not know it. You're the one who holds the fate of this kingdom in the balance.” ~Gaius [/color][/h3] [h2][color=FFDF00]~General Information~[/color][/h2] [color=FFDF00]Name:[/color] Myrddin ‘Merlin’ Wyllt [color=FFDF00]Other Names: [/color]?. Emrys [color=FFDF00]Occupation:[/color] Assistant to the court physician, Gaius [color=FFDF00]Place Of Origin:[/color] A small town within Essetir (Cenred’s kingdom) known as Ealdor. [color=FFDF00]Age: [/color]27 [color=FFDF00]Race:[/color] Human [color=FFDF00]Affiliation: [/color]Lawful good Merlin duties include protecting the whole of camelot, making him fall under lawful good. As it is his destiny to do so, he will always use his magic to ensure the safety of those he cares deeply about as well as anyone with good intentions. He fights against evil without a second thought and will stand up for what he believes in, even if that means getting attacked with a ball and chain flail by Prince Arthur. [color=FFDF00]Appearance - [/color] [img]http://readwritesoar.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Merlin-merlin-on-bbc-16422900-500-500.jpg[/img] [color=FFDF00]Wardrobe Style:[/color] [hider=Casual][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/merlin1/images/0/00/Merlin866.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/229?cb=20120321042842[/img][/hider] [hider=Casua 2l][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/merlin1/images/0/00/Merlin866.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/229?cb=20120321042842[/img][/hider] [hider=Casual 3][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/merlin1/images/0/00/Merlin866.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/229?cb=20120321042842[/img][/hider] [hider=Formal Wear][img]http://media.tumblr.com/f1f396b3ae08f75023b7f06175f6598b/tumblr_inline_mnbmrwbAhH1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/hider] [h2][color=FFDF00]~Relationship Information~[/color][/h2] [color=FFDF00]Relationship Status:[/color] Single [color=FFDF00]Partner:[/color] (Does Arthur count? XD) [color=FFDF00]Father:[/color] Balinor [color=FFDF00]Mother:[/color] Hunith [color=FFDF00]Siblings:[/color] ENTER LATER [color=FFDF00]Pet/s:[/color] A donkey named Arthur [color=FFDF00]Other:[/color] Gaius (guardian) Arthur (Merlin is his manservant) [h2][color=FFDF00]~Personal Information~[/color][/h2] [h2][color=FFDF00]"Being different's nothing to be scared of."[/color][/h2] [h2][color=FFDF00]~Merlin[/color][/h2] [color=FFDF00]Personality: [/color] Quirky doesn’t even begin to describe Merlin’s odd sense of humor. While his jokes can be quite humorous, Merlin’s loud mouth has a tendency to do more trouble than good. The sarcastic tone in his voice has many times landed him an all day stay in the stocks. Even after an entire week away from the rotten vegetable throw off, Merlin can still find moldy pieces of tomatoes stuck in his hair. He still hasn’t learned his lesson though and will continue to speak his mind as he pleases. Arthur can grow quite tired of Merlin’s troublesome behavior but they both tease each other from time to time (or all the time?). Whenever Merlin is within the king’s presence however, he does manage to hold his tongue. He is also extremely respectful to all members of magic until they show signs of abusing their power. Once someone identifies themselves as a magic user, Merlin is gravitated toward them and feels protective of them (that is unless they abuse their gift, again). Merlin is also all about his wits. With little muscle to protect himself, he relies solely on his knowledge and intelligence to win battles (and of course his magic). He does have experience in sharpening a sword, cleaning armor, and practically everything a turnip head of a prince would need. Name a chore and Merlin has probably already done it. He can’t even count how many times he’s been stuck cleaning up horse dung in the stocks, probably holds the record for it. Words of wisdom tend to now and then sprout from Merlin’s lips. One of Merlin’s strongest abilities is to listen to the words all around him. Kindness is also one of Merlin’s strongest assets. One might think someone with magic would be corrupted with a strong hatred against the kingdom of Camelot, but Merlin doesn’t see it like that. He lives with hope that one day Camelot, under the ruling of Arthur, will be a great day and age where magic will be considered as something special rather than a threat. Stubbornness can be one of Merlin’s worst enemies. Whenever he makes up his mind, it can be quite difficult to persuade him otherwise. Despite his fragile appearance, Merlin is extremely courageous and braver than most. He will blindly follow Arthur, or anyone he cares for, into battle without looking back. Nothing will stop him from setting things right, even if that means going into danger. He sometimes describe this strength as just being stupid. [color=FFDF00]Strengths: [/color]Merlin’s biggest strength is his definitely his magical ability. He does also specialize in blending in and going unnoticed. [color=FFDF00]Weaknesses:[/color] If Merlin didn’t have his magic, one could say he might be screwed for his strength is extremely lacking. [color=FFDF00]Magic Capabilities:[/color] [color=FFDF00][h2]“Magic isn't just a part of me. It is me. It's who I am.”[/h2][/color] Merlin’s birth has been prophesied by multiple cultures for hundreds of years and he is destined to become the most powerful sorcerer to ever life. Unlike normal sorcerers who take years to master and perfect the craft, Merlin’s magic is able to grow at a much faster rate and he is able to master it much quicker. Without speaking any incantations, Merlin is able to move objects with his mind as well as blast people with his telekinesis (depending on the extend of the push, this can seriously injure or even kill people). He also has the ability to use telepathy to communicate with other magical beings and sense powerful magic. Elemental magic is something Merlin also shows great strength in, with his strength being in fire. Merlin is great at control. He is able to create a small fire with his palm as well as send waves of fire at things and causing explosions. Through wind power, he is able to create whirlwinds as well as simply manipulate the wind. By using Sophia's Sidhe staff, Merlin can sends blasts of raw magic at people which can knock people out as well as kill them instantly. Whenever Merlin grows emotional, his magical powers can be extremely heightened. Merlin is also greatly skilled in defensive magic. He is capable of creating magical shields that have the strength to stop a dragon’s fire. Possessing the power to wield the Crystal of Neahtid and the crystals in the Crystal Cave, Merlin is able to see the future and the events seen in the crystals always seem to happen. After his father passed away, Merlin inherited the magic of controlling Dragons and is now one of the last Dragonlord. Through speaking Homeric Greek, Merlin is able to control not only dragons but any ancestors of Dragons whether they be nearby or far away. Dragons have slowly disappeared after Uther took the throne but Merlin released the Great Dragon from him and now goes to him for special advice. Due to his strong powers, some consider Merlin to be half-human. It’s a known fact that Dragonlords are closely related to dragons and thus, some people consider Merlin to be half-human, half Creature of the Old Religion. Merlin also possess great natural resilience to magical attacks. Not only has he survived a rebound of his own killing spell but also the touch of the Dorocha (although he might not have survived if the Vilia hadn’t saved him). The only way to kill Merlin is through stabbing him in the heart with a sword forged by a dragon’s breath. Possibly the weakest ability of Merlin is healing magic. Thankfully, he is a skilled physician and can heal people through medicine. Merlin is still practicing his healing magic though and perhaps one day it will become better. It can still be considered strong compared to other sorcerer’s magic but it’s still relatively weak for him. He’s not able to raise people from the dead but he can heal various wounds and illnesses at times. [color=FFDF00]Weapons:[/color] His mind [color=FFDF00]Brief Biography:[/color] Born in the small town of Ealdor, Merlin was raised by loving and caring mother. Life was simple and easy, free of monstrous beasts and immortal armies. Merlin was never able to meet his father for he left before Merlin was born, thanks to Uther’s new order of execution of any Dragonlords. While she loved him more than anything, Merlin’s mother knew she needed to send Merlin somewhere he could learn to control his magic and find his true purpose. After some awkward meetings with Gaius and Prince Arthur, it wasn’t long before Merlin fit right in. He currently lives with Gaius and works for Prince Arthur, secretly protecting Camelot and saving Arthur’s life more times than he can count. [color=FFDF00]~Other Information~[/color] [color=FFDF00]Other: [/color]Merlin is the all time champion at picking fun with Prince Arthur. [/center] [h2][center][color=FFDF00]~Theme Song~[/color][/center][/h2] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOkV65DNY1E[/youtube][/center]