[quote=@ReaptheMusic] [Hider=The Merciful Midnight] Name: Adam Unterhügel Epithet(s): Der Barmherzigen Mitternacht Age: 18 School Year: Third Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://www.quazero.com/uploads/allimg/140307/1-14030GA403.jpg[/img] Wears a small black choker. Nationality: German Personality: Adam is a very aloof individual who seems to make very few friends, though those friends tend to be very close to him. He keeps to himself and to observe him is to find him almost uncaring. He enjoys watching birds with seemingly glassed over eyes and passes over the chance to play video games if offered. Adam spends his free time reading, gardening, people watching, sleeping, and going on walks. When it comes to killing it seems to be done with a heavy yet nonchalant hand. Adam is good at what he does, and though he knows it, he is not one for any of the bells and whistles that come with it. He's a simple renaissance man, taking appreciation of the beauty of the a person's final breath and leaving his calling card with every kill, a larkspur gently placed over the victim's mouth. Bio: Adam grew up in the poor port town of Hafenstadt. He spent much of his life working with his father on their small fishing boat and selling what they could to the local market. Every day consisted of helping his mother and five sisters out in their shack before doing his duties as his parents only son. When Adam was ten years old he fell asleep in the family's fishing boat. He was alone, as his father had gone to the doctor's to check on a nasty cough he'd been having. The boat was spotted as being empty when it drifted away from the shore line by an illegal drug trade shipment. Thinking they were receiving a delivery from one of their sources, the small boat was pulled in with barrels full of fish blocking Adam's small body from view. Adam woke up, having overheard some of their banter about what they planned to do next with their wares, and was dragged further on board. He was tied up and kept far beneath the ships upper deck with vital knowledge on the shipments in hand. He never told anyone what the criminals did to him that day. All anyone knows is that he was tossed overboard with his back slashed to hell for the sharks to feed on. He managed to make it ashore, find his way home and then leave the next day. Between those years and when he entered the assassin's school as a freshman, a certain name had become popular in all of Germany and the major details of who formed Adam as he is today were completely lost. He is currently at the top of his classes and a force to be reckoned with. Weapon: Large Syringe Scalpel Equipment: Novacaine Plastic baggies Leather Gloves Larkspur flowers Skills: Gentle hands, long fingers - Due to Adam's naturally low-key attitude, his hands can do very intricate work in a very short amount of time A Quiet Individual - Adam's saving grace with his assassination style is his stealth. He's not one to engage in a fire fight, and will find ways around to get to someone who's made the decision to shoot bazooka rounds down school halls. Muscular - Adam's no body builder, but he [i]does[/i] go to the gym. He's learned to box if forced into close quarters, but he's not about to do some crazy parkour maneuvers Piano - Adam enjoys playing the piano Talents: N/A Other: -His choker is lined with rose thorn like needles that don't go very deep, but shoot a high concentration of Novacaine into his body periodically throughout the day. -Popular with the girls -Unnaturally tall, clocking in at 7 ft 1 in [/hider] [/quote] Man that is SO annoying! I had the perfect picture that conveys just the right amount of his nonchalance :< *sigh* Here's the picture that will replace that one, [@Spriggs27] . I can just slap it onto the CS. It's not nearly as good as the other but ;A; [hider=image] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/23300000/Hijikata-Toshirou-anime-guys-23377142-1200-845.jpg[/img] [/hider] With those in mind, what do you think?