[quote=@Hael] Haha. He'd make a good Kraken, don't you think? Kraken was more serious and a little less friendly, but otherwise they're very similar. [hr] How does Demigod of Evil sound, everyone? Not Chaos, not darkness, but evil. An embodiment of everything immoral, lustful, hateful. Everything bad for mortals. His first portfolio would be (Murder) I'd be probably very poetic and descriptive when writing for him, to show in many words how truly dark this creature (saying person doesn't sound right for what I have in mind) is. He makes Vestec look cuddly. [/quote] Uh, I [i]may[/i] have already envisioned something exactly like that... MY NEW IALU DESERVES IT MORE. IALU VERSION 2.0 WILL BE SUPER EVIL.