A few quick console commands, and the Astelion was switching to Atmospheric combat mode. The cockpit grew dark as only the barest minimum of the MAS's systems remained online to keep it airborne. In this brief moment, all Ari could hear was the sound of the reactor humming, a rhythmic sound that reminded Ari of a song. Before she knew it, she was humming along to the rhythmic noise, even when the lights came on and the consoles flared to light. Affixing her oxygen mask to protect herself from blacking out, she keyed the COM and said "[color=0072bc]Acknowledged Gallant. Williams moving on target.[/color]" The Astelion sprang to life, accelerating upwards as her sensors began to give her a clearer picture of the battlefield beneath her. The Sovereign slammed to the earth below, smashing a flak cannon as it did, while McKnight and his Shrike destroyed a SAM and a Flak cannon while moving on another. Ari's focus shifted to the pair of sortied Ferir MK.IIs, but it only took her a moment to realize they weren't the priority. They were heavy, here in the atmosphere they had even less chance of keeping the Astelion's pace than they did in space. Her priority was that hangar bay and the Ferir MAS suits that would emerge from it. Odds were that the Hellcat and Eagle wouldn't be stored there, they'd be stored somewhere else where engineers could take them apart without worrying about the chaos of a combat hangar. Her first thought was to hit the doors, but they'd blast their way through that, though it'd be dangerous for them to do so. It was still worth a shot, but it wasn't worth taking that shot immediately. From the air above the hangar, she fired her first blast through the roof towards one of the walls. She never saw what that shot struck as she was already moving and recharging her cannons, firing again the moment her cannons were spun up. The MK.IIs began hounding her as her shot fired through to slag the doors and lock them in. Her shields held up for the moment, so she was able to fire off a final blast through it's rear, hopefully finishing it off. She now focused her attention on the two Ferir IIs that were out and engaging the 7th. Locking on to the first one, she winced as she heard the sound of an alarm warning that her shields had gone down. She didn't have enough time to wait for her cannons to finish recharging, so she had her targeting AI get her a solution for the Autocannon and began unloading. The mech's armor quickly began denting beneath the hail of rounds, and then getting punctured. As the last round stuttered out of the magazine, she struck pay dirt, the Mk.II finally ceased moving. This gave her the free space to fire her X-50s at the other Ferir, the MAS in no way prepared for the plasma blasts reducing its chest to molten slag. She grimaced as she checked her readouts, it seemed her hull had taken some hits, and there was a sizable dent on her left arm that, while not an immediate threat, would probably threaten her functionality. "[color=0072bc]This is Williams, enemy MAS threats have been cleaned up.[/color]"