Armond heard the man's racist remarks and spotted him attempting to leave, only to be met by the noble once he was free of the crowd, "You think yourself better than the rest of us, boy? Have you forgotten what the Winglys did to us? You are in no position to be disrespecting other races! That woman up there has more courage than you'll ever have in a single finger, so instead of judging her, you should perhaps watch and learn from her example. Otherwise, you can leave." he said loudly. It was clear Armond was angry, and those in the crowd were shocked to hear him speak the way he did to the boy, it was obvious they had never seen him so upset before. Several townspeople tried to calm him, telling him the boy wasn't worth the effort and that he should just leave him be. Armond gave the boy a dirty look before walking past him, "The only filth here, is you." he added in a whisper as he passed. He moved closer to the front of the stage, looking up at the girl, just catching her name at that moment. [i]Mara. What a beautiful name. I'll be sure to remember it.[/i] he thought to himself. [hr] Murasame had gone off in search of drinks for herself and Lord Armond, eventually coming to a stall she had seen a boy leave from, he apparently was carrying a lot of food and drink. She dismissed the image and ordered the drinks, paying for them and starting to make her way back. As she walked, she got dirty looks from people she passed, though she ignored them, like she usually did. It was like this everywhere she went, whether she was with Armond or not, people always gave her looks of disapproval. [i][color=lightblue]I suppose being half Mermaid and half Wingly doesn't help, especially when one half of my genes is responsible for so much tragedy.[/color][/i] she thought. Due to this, she wasn't aware she had stumbled into a private meeting of mer-haters, each of them looking at her. "Lookie here fellas, we've caught ourselves a fishy, a lost one too!" one of them said. Murasame froze in place, she didn't like where this was going, [color=lightblue]"E-excuse me..."[/color] she said in a small voice, attempting to get by them. They only stood in place, "Did you say something, fishy?" one taunted. Murasame stepped back, she was clearly afraid of what might happen to her if no one stopped these men. She looked around her, the people passing by did nothing, they acted as if nothing was happening. However, unknown to the group, one passerby had decided to head straight to Veragwen. "Lady Vera, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I think there's a young lady in distress down that way." the man said, pointing in the direction he had come from.