Just wanted to poke my head in and let you all know that I'm still here and slowly getting work done on my CS(s). Been busy but I'm doing what I can. Putting the finishing touches on Clo since I ultimately decided just to bring her back. The flood of inspiration lead to ideas and I need to play those ideas out. So to wet your appetites, here's what Clo looks like now: [hider=Five Years Ago][img]http://ilovehdwallpapers.com/download//girl-angel-1680x1050.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Today][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bb/4d/f4/bb4df4243544b666172926e2de2ba1ab.jpg[/img] We can pretend that the dark shadow on the left (her right) is her one wing.[/hider] Anyways CS [i]will[/i] be up by tomorrow for her. Just need to find an appropriate theme and proof read a dozen more times (which ultimately I won't end up doing). First IC post should be up within the next couple days.