[@kishin asura] "Someone with no patience. So, are you the bitch we're looking for or not?" Ozzy growls, his eyes getting a light red glow. ---------------------------- ".......Yea. Everyone in this building needs to vent. The staff are all people that got though the program like me. I was created to be a physic weapon. Being created for a singular purpose, and not being able to full fill it....I know that pain. I heard you are a similar case." He says. ----------------------------- "Well........It takes a lot more than a souped up shotgun to kill me....." He purrs, before he goes to fire his weapon at scarborough, but, at what seems like the last moment, everyone switches position, Scar and Tsubaki switching places, with those two facing each other with their weapons, Tsubaki firing her weapon, most likely originally at the Stranger, but now at Scar.