[Center][color=lightgray][b][u]Hitoshi Katsu[/u][/b][/color][/center] Hitoshi gave a half shrug, casting a faint sideways smirk at the girl. Normal - yeah of course. Sure, why not? [Colour=lightgray]"Sure I don't mind. Probably best if people don't walk alone these days anyway, y'know?"[/colour] Of course he had heard the rumors - who hadn't? To Hitoshi that was all they were: students gossiping and making mountains out of molehills. Whether he believed them or not though was irrelevant, the important part was that people should put their safety first. Even if people [i]hadn't[/i] supposedly been 'disappearing', there were enough dark places and unpleasant people about to make safety something worth keeping in mind. And even if he barely knew the girl, he wouldn't wish any harm on her. [Colour=lightgray]"Besides, with you here? People might stop crossing the street to avoid me."[/colour] He grinned a little to himself despite his own joke cutting just a little too close to home. It was rare that anyone actually actively tried to avoid him - most barely recognised that boy that had caused them trouble in years gone by and the rest had generally come to tentatively accept that he wasn't the same any more, but there were still times that he had run-ins with those that still expected him to behave like some kind of thug. He supposed his appearance might be a part of the problem, but there were some things that just seemed destined not to change. As they walked, he tried to get an idea of exactly who this girl was. Minori Koizumi she had called herself. Polite and obviously careful of her manners if the slight stutter over which honourific to use was anything to judge by. Pretty little thing - it was hard to believe that she didn't have anyone better to walk with. Maybe something had happened recently? He ought try and not say anything awkward, just to be safe. [Colour=lightgray]"So, what you planning on doing this weekend"[/colour] He asked as they made their way towards the district's center. It was a pretty flimsy line of conversation, but the best he could come up with on such short notice. Nice and noncommittal and neutral. [Colour=lightgray]"Got any plans? Looks like this weather's set in to last - though that might just be wishful thinking on my part."[/colour]