[center][color=0054a6][h3]Glint, Wards HQ[/h3][/color][/center] With a swipe of her new access card, and a quick squint into a retina scanner, Glint stepped into the Wards' common room. She was in full costume, of course, despite having only had to make her way from her mother's apartment down-town to the PRT building. The PR people insisted that heroes should be at their most iconic-looking while out in public, a fact that they never got tired of repeating, it seemed. She knew it made sense, but if she had to sit through another lecture about branding she would probably cry. Honestly, it was yet another incentive to avoid the trip home altogether and spend the night in her quarters here. In the safety of the Wards HQ, she felt she could probably get away with pulling her hood back, tucking her mask into a pouch on her belt, and shaking her hair free as she looked around. Odd. The place was deserted. She guessed that a few of her comrades would be out on patrol, but she'd expected to see Chimera or Scourge or... someone, hanging out in the rec room or doing homework. She didn't mind the solitude - she almost preferred it, actually. She'd only been a member of the Chicago Wards for a little over a week, so things could still be a little awkward at times. No, the problem was the possibility that there'd been some sort of crisis that she'd missed while she was in afternoon classes. Frowning, she hurried over to the room's computer console and logged in, trying to remember how to look up the PRT's day logs...