Wow, you got Kornesin's death scene? I kept meaning to archive it, but never quite got around to it... Anyway; I'd like a couple days to go over the opening bits I have and see if they need to be fixed up (not sure if they're the final versions) and separate the stuff in my notes that where specific to the characters that probably won't be showing up again, and rearrange the notes for the Triginavia corporation (I found them, but they're a mess of things all jumbled together), but I'm pretty much good to go. That said, a mini thread would be a nice change of pace. All of the planning and replanning is fine, but a small break from the constant schemeing would be grand... also, delaying NN for a bit would give me time to write a [I]proper[/I] opening for the IC, since the last one was rushed and made me cringe slightly.