Aya watched the two teens go after a few of the Hounds. Thank goodness, they're on her side. She shoulders her battle-axe, getting up from her position next to the little girl. She has never been in a single fight before, never wielded a weapon in her life, but this entire situation and the weapon in her hand felt as natural as breathing. The Hound that the black haired teen weighed in against had dodged the backpack that was thrown at it, but had been so focused on the object that it didn't notice the follow-up, being hit right on the cranium and falling to the floor. Aya wasn't sure if it was dead or not, and was surprised at non-chalant behavior she was exhibiting at the sight. The second teen had tried a stab at another of the Hounds, but he had missed, the beast hopping to the side of the blade. Aya had no doubt that it would had ripped the boy's throat if he hadn't swung his blade to fend off a would-be-attacker. As he started to run towards Aya and her charge, the Hound had taken the open chance to try and leap onto the teen's back, another Hound not far behind. The Thug and one of the unengaged Hounds had started to run to the black-haired teen's position, the Thug swinging his bat vertically from the right to try and smash the teen's chest cavity, and the Hound aiming a swipe with it's right claws to hopefully rake at the teen's left leg tendons down low. The last two Hounds turned their sights on Aya and the pinkette, both of them growling and stalking closer and closer. The brunette teen pushed the younger girl behind her, holding her Axe infront with a single hand, the other keeping the little girl behind. "S-stay close. I s-said I'll protect you." She stuttered out. There was no way that these beasts would hurt the pinkette. She gave her word, and was going to keep it. With a wordless battle cry, Aya raised her battle axe to bare, holding it with both hands, and committed to a horizontal swing of her massive weapon against one of her foes.