[quote=@Shorticus] There are definitely some gray areas, note. I made a roleplay which is based around everyone running a clan... but everyone is part of the same clan, and does a clan count as a nation, and does it matter if it has the same elements of intrigue and politics and diplomacy and war, and does it matter if it also is about adventure and mythology and honoring your ancestors and etc.? I was very unsure whether or not I should pick "Nation" as a theme even though I felt it definitely belonged in the Nation section. [/quote] In my eyes, if you're putting an RP into the Nation section then there is no problem with using the Nation tag, hell you probably should have it in actual fact. I'm talking about the RP that have nothing to do with RPing a Nation/anything-close-to-one and just put it in since all the players are in a fantasy nation/world. I seriously do not understand why people misuse the Nation tag so much, is it really that hard to use some common sense?