[color=ffe699][h2][u][center]The Age of Heroes[/center][/u][/h2][/color] Though the Earth Tribe ruled justly and well, they were unable to defend themselves indefinitely against the evils of the world. The Dark Tribe, the Dorca Rithe, arose to tear down all that the Tuad Rithe had made. Soon the gods found themselves too busy defending themselves to keep a proper watch over all Urland. [color=ffe699][h3][center]The Thralls[/center][/h3][/color] As the Tuad Rithe could not protect all their people, they chose to bequeath the responsibility of protecting the weakest and most foreign of the clans onto others. These became the first thralls. How did our ancestors take care of their charges? [list][*][s]We treated them as family, eventually freeing them all from their bondage.[/s] [*]We treated them fairly, letting them earn their freedom if they were worthy. [@Lauder][@Eklispe][@Tracyarmav][@Mardox] [*][s]We treated them pragmatically, keeping as many as we needed to sow our fields and work our mines.[/s] [*][s]We treated them as animals, worth nothing but the work they could provide.[/s][/list] [color=ffe699][h3][center]The Long War[/center][/h3][/color] The Dark Tribe's rise to power emboldened the enemies of the Urlandi, but it also made us desperate. Clans turned on each other as never before, and the wilderness began to creep ever closer. How did we prepare for these dark times? [list][*][s]We raised the night watch, forever to keep the walls of our home lit.[/s] [*][s]We prayed for guidance and used faith to stay together.[/s] [*][s]We looked to our leaders for guidance.[/s] [*]We maintained good ties with our neighbors for safety against our foes. [@Lexicon]x2 [@Tracyarmav] [*][s]We struck first rather than waiting to be struck.[/s][/list] [hr] [@Wernher]'s vote counts double in the next round.