[color=Aqua][center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Arianna%20Louise%20Watson%20-%20Gif%2002_zps5jm6gg2q.gif[/img] [h1]Arianna Louise Watson[/h1] [h2]Hephaestus Cabin ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2][/center] “Ha..! I knew I wouldn’t be able to last two minutes on that thing..! Van owes me a trip now… at least, I think that’s what we were betting on… or was it he owes me a pie..? Bacon..? We really need to write our terms out before we agree to bets with each other…” Not even bothering to wait for an answer from the girl in front of her, she shot her head up in audible surprise before twisting her body around completely, her actions causing the other two in the small group to quirk their eyebrows in surprise as she pulled what looked like [url= http://cdn.coolmompicks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/CL-hat-bunny-2011-600x584_zps50759a5d.jpg]a hat[/url] from her back pocket, her arms reaching out to pull it down over young demigod’s head, “Ah, that’s it..! Much better..!” “Heheh… Ari, you’re nuts; but you really should be more careful next time…” They were right; damnit, why were they always right..? Geez… how many times did she have to remind herself to be careful..? Carefullar..? Caaaaare-full-ah… She couldn’t help the gentle though amused giggle that fell out through her lips as she turned her attention back to the few campers who had helped her get down from the rope ladder; her head tilting lightly to the side as she stared at each of them with a thoughtful though slightly confused expression lighting up her features- what was it that she was thinking about before..? Oh well; how does the saying go? If it’s important, they’ll ring again..! And speaking of important- her nose seemed to twitch just like that of a rabbit as the smell of her camp-brewed and bottled beer filled the air that was surrounding her, catching her attention and causing her to turn her light blue-grey eyes over to her older brother’s figure as he held out the freshly opened bottle of beer- by the Gods; he [i]is[/i] an angel sent from above… “Sweet..! Thanks bro beans- you know I had like the sickest dream about you. You were like-… I don’t remember; but I know you would totally love it..!” Not even skipping a heartbeat as she wrapped her arms around the older boy, the young blonde reached out to take a hold of the bottle before the sound of a familiar voice sounding out from behind her caused her to hurriedly turn herself around so that she was facing the one person (besides her dear ol’ dad) to give her permission to leave the camp whenever she so pleased; her sudden movements causing the [url= http://imgfave-herokuapp-com.global.ssl.fastly.net/image_cache/1371781126526998.jpg]light and bright outfit[/url] she had chosen to wear to constantly move about as she spoke, “Oh shit… looks like I’m being called, gotta bounce; catchya back at the cabin Van..!”[/color] [color=Gold]“This is Arianna; she will be the one to show you around the camp, and to answer any questions you might have pertaining to it. I would assume that due to your little stunt this morn you have not gone to collect your refill from the infirmary Ms. Watson…”[/color] [color=Aqua] “Of course I’ll help out..! Not much else I can do while the others are off playing hide-and-go-seek with Aphrodite’s bird.” Paying nowhere near as much attention to her actions as she should have been while running over so that she was able to stand face-to-face with the new guy, she felt her body falling forward as her feet got caught up with one another, both of her hands (and the newly opened bottle of cold beer) pressing up against his shoulders as she fell flush up against his chest; the sudden intimacy between the both of them only catching her off guard for only a brief moment before the blonde seemed to take it in her stride, the girl resting up against him before she leant up on the balls of her feet, her face scrunching up cutely before she pressed her lips lightly over his own- the kiss only lasting just a couple of seconds before she pulled back completely, her gaze returning to the retreating figure of the centaur. “And I did not forget my pills, Chiron..! I was happily drinking with my brother, and I think I got confused again- thought my medication came in liquid form but I swear it wasn’t just a dream… cause like, this guy totally wasn’t in it..!” Making a grand show of pouting her lips with a very disappointed expression over her features as she gestured over at Peter with her drink-free hand, she giggled happily before turning her head to the side slightly, taking a long sip of her newly received beer; being sure to savor each and every moment that the unique flavor gave to her before she once more let her attention fall over to the new guy, her free hand twisting slightly until she was holding it out for him to shake if he so wanted to, “Any who… my name is Arianna Watson; daughter of Dionysus. Looks as though we’re gunna be buddies today..!” Pausing for only a moment so that she could think about her new task for the day, she shook her head lightly from side to side, taking a couple of steps closer and reaching out to take his hand as she happily seemed to bounce up an down on the spot, her eyes shining with her playfulness as she began to fire off questions left, right, and center, "Ooo, where did you wanna go first..? There’s the cabins, the forest, the lava pit, the obstacle course- wait… we just did that, didn’t we..? Oh well, nevermind, I’ll show you everything you need to know to get along round here; oh, and like, far more importantly, I’ll be sure to give you a run down on all the juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuicey gossip..! Plus; you’re not the only new camper today; nope, there’s another one who arrived today, but she’s a girl… and on top of that, she’s a Roman..!” Unable to contain her squeal of excitement about not only having made a new friend, but also at the thought that things were [i]finally[/i] beginning to get interesting now that the summer had truly begun, Arianna hooked her arm with his, hugging it tightly against her body as she more than happily began to lead the way down the path and away from the obstacle tower, “Ah..! We just have too much to talk about my cute little curly-haired healer.” [/color]