[h3]The Ripper[/h3] Tilting her head to the side, the girl who identified herself as "Jack" stared in confusion at the boisterous man as the food he had tossed whizzed by past her cheek. She... Wasn't sure what to make of it, really. It didn't [i]seem[/i] ill-intended, just... Bizarre. The blonde knight assured her that she wouldn't be harmed, and even though she clearly wasn't Mother "Jack" couldn't help but feel calmed by her words. But still, she wasn't Mother... And Mother was the only person she could trust. As soon as she found her, that was... As the gateways opened, "Jack" creeped over and found herself drawn to one in particular; grey fog seemed to be billowing from it, and whatever lay beyond seemed... Familiar, yet different. It wasn't quite London, but... As she scuttled inside, she heard the so-called "Kamen Riders" mentioning something about New York. The name... Did not sound unfamiliar, as though it was something she might have heard of in passing... But she could never have imagined it looking so big. Were there really cities bigger than London out there? It... Scared her somewhat to think of such things, really. Still, now that she was here there wasn't much point in worrying, so instead she stepped past the two men and inquisitively leaned over the edge of the fountain, staring blankly at her reflection in the water.