[quote=@Mr Allen J] [@Archmage MC] You didn't add the weaknesses I suggested (Which I think was a mistake) - [i]but,[/i] she should die if her head comes off, or gets horribly damaged or whatever. [/quote] I'll do the 'how to kill Deadpool' one in weaknesses since she has his regeneration. But both of those don't work on him. You'd have to do what Deadpool did to Wolverine's kids/Wolverine in Deadpool kills the marvel universe or carbonadium or thrown into cosmic forces. Doesn't mean she can't die, but she wont stay dead forever unless the above happens. TBH unless its total regeneration, regen is fairly useless. I can understand stuff like 'ultra slow regen if the head is missing' (which I've added) or something like that though. Its not that hard to counter it either, it just needs a little bit of brainpower. xD EDIT:Could also do FMA stuff I suppose, thats not bad either. I'd be fine with that, thats how Deadpool killed X-23 anyway. Yep, thats a great middle ground, yeah? Also other regenerators should prob have this regen too. Just not nearly as fast. Bloody Gluttony... TDLR: total regeneration of any part/can reattach limbs. If killed too many times in quick succession however their regeneration slows down and eventually stops, and they perma die. I dunno, I'm using Marvel as my template.