[hider=Fendryn Omaren] [CENTER]Fendryn stands around 6 foot with un-kept charcoal black hair that comes to his neck, that he usually ties the top of his hair into a pony tail and a small beard. The shade of his skin is dark blue. His nose is larger than average dunmers, which is bent from the amount of times he’s broken it. He has little scars all over his physically muscular body, from his encounters with animals in the Forrest, but none are that noticeable. He is like every Dunmer and has red eyes. He has ten black gems pierced through his left ear in a row, for no other reason than he likes the look of them, they don't do anything. Three green stripes run diagonally across his face where he has used his three middle fingers as paint brushes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Full Name[/U]】 [I]Fendryn Omaren[/I] 【[U]Alias[/U]】 [I]None at present[/I] 【[U]Race[/U]】 [I]Dunmer (aka Dark Elf)[/I] 【[U]Gender[/U]】 [I]Male[/I] 【[U]Age[/U]】 [I]45[/I] 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [I]Hetrosexual[/I] 【[U]Birth Place[/U]】 [I]Cheydinhal[/I] 【[U]Nation/Allegiance[/U]】 [I]Whoever pays the most[/I] 【[U]Profession[/U]】 [I]Ex Blacksmith, current mercenary[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Personality[/U]】 [I] Fendryn is a very outgoing Dunmer and a complete opposite to most of his race. He usually makes friends quick and loves to drink and sing with the people he is with. He loves to wind up people who thinks take life too seriously, usually making sarcastic comments towards them. He has been the left hand man of many various mercanary companies because of his talent for leading and tactics on the battlefield[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]History[/U]】 [I]Fendryn was raised in the city of Cheydinhal, were he and his father owned a blacksmithing company. Since an early age he had been learning how to use the forge and how to create all types of weapons and armour. When he turned fifteen his father thought that he was a friendly enough person to become the salesman when his dad was busy and he became good at bartering with the customers. In his spare time he practised with all the weapons that he was creating and stood out using a sword and shield and also the bow. A few years later his Father lost a bet, were he gambled a lot of his money and his shop to another business owner. They had lost everything and would soon lose the house having no way to pay the ever increasing taxes that Cheydinhal were demanding. Fendryns father became depressed and started to drink, a few weeks later he was found dead, after he stumbled into one of the ponds in the city and drowned. Having nothing left, Fendryn sold his house, barely making any money due to the unpaid bills and decided to leave. He gathered a few bits of equipment first, which he bought with the last of his money, and headed off looking for jobs. He learned the basics to hunt animals and setting up camps so he could survive in the wilds when he had no money. When he was 20 he signed up for a mercenary company. He was mainly used as a scout finding weak spots that the enemies had and finding the quickest route through the forests, sometimes when they needed him to fix their armour and weapons he would. He went to different mercenary groups after that. A few months after his 45th birthday his contract ended and he decided to leave with his two friends that he had made: a Nord Warrior named Ulrer The Tall, he was 5 foot 8 and was given the name to annoy him because any time somebody mentions his height he goes crazy. Also an Imperial Mage called Quintus Jannus who had a terrible stutter.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Skills and Abilities[/U]】 [I]Fendryn was raised as a blacksmith so knows the basics of the craft, but doesn’t really practise it, unless his friends or his own weapons and armours need fixing. He is very athletically fit and can cover many miles quickly. He fights in a very aggressive style with his sword and shield and only uses his bow for only long range. He is very skilled at haggling over prices.[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Weapons/Tools and Magic[/U]】 [I][u]Weapons/Tools/Armour[/u][/i] [i]He always wears studded armour with hide boots and bracers in the Nordic style after spending a lot of time in Skyrim. He doesn’t wear a helmet to keep his vision from being impaired. He has a thick olive green hooded cloak for when it’s cold. He has an imperial styled steel long sword and an iron kite shield, also he has a long bow with iron arrows. He keeps a sleeping roll on his person, that he attaches to the back of his belt round his waste. Along with basic hunting traps, a knife to skin animals and flints to start fires. A bag of money also hangs from his belt.[/i][/center][/hider] This is my character, hopefully it's good enough! My characters travelling with two other people and I'll try and get a small cs up for both of them tomorrow. :) Also I was going to add a picture of my character from Skyrim, but unfortunately my computers decided to break!! -.-