With the extra books they really added so much extra fun capability to Deathwatch. I need to think of a chapter that would be big on heavy bolters, I think Space Wolves are more rocketty when they use heavy weapons for the longfansgs. Imperial Fists maybe but I am not sure. I just really like the heavy bolter on a devestator. "This is a .75-caliber diamantine-tipped depleted deuterium core armor-piercing mass-reactive high-explosive bolt round. It is the standard ammunition for the Astartes Mk IVa Heavy Bolter. Upon firing the round will activate a primary propellent charge; upon striking its target, the round will penetrate the exterior surfaces and explode within. This process creates a very distinctive sound. The Mk IVa can and will unleash up to six hundred such rounds per minute. There is no finer chorus in the Emperor's domain than six hundred voices raised in glorifying His Name. Go forth and sing the song of the Emperor!"