[center][i][b][h3]Corporal "Soko" Sokoloff, Combat Engineer.[/h3][/b][/i][/center] [hr] Soko continued spraying bullets into the ranks of enemy soldiers, not letting up the trigger for even a second since with such a target rich environment accuracy wasn't exactly needed. Behind him he could hear the medic tending to the wounded, while he knew absolutely nothing about the human body and how to fix up wounds, he assumed she was probably taking care of those horrible burns. Eventually however the ammo belt ran dry, Soko wasn't a least bit surprised at this as he was seriously burning through rounds. The engineer was about to pull up his radio and perhaps request for a resupply when he noticed a few boxes on the other side of the bunker. He must've missed them when he came in, maybe due to the poor lighting, or could be he was simply too occupied. The Corporal patted one of the random soldier's back before making his way to those boxes, if they contained more rounds then he would be saved from the effort of radioing in. As Soko passed by the medic he was admittedly impressed with how quickly she worked, especially considering they were still in a live battle. Perhaps she wouldn't notice when he nodded and smiled in her direction, mostly happy to know they had a competent medic. Now at the boxes Soko picked one up only to frown at it, looked like the case was locked, and without light he couldn't exactly see anything. He placed the box down then reached for his engineering kit to find a headlamp. Once with some sort of light source Soko finally knew what he was dealing with, mainly that the case was secured with a simple electronic lock. He of course didn't have the code, so his only other option was to force it open... well he still could radio those supplies in, but that would take time. He examined the lock a little more closely to decide on what tools he'll need. He pulled out an old fashioned screwdriver, a sensor tool used to find live wires, and a small pair of cutters. First he unscrewed the protective case on the lock to expose the wiring within, what he saw was encouraging as the circuitry was very familiar to him. Next he started poking a few wires with the senor, he was looking for a certain response the determine which wires were active, then from there he could figure out what order to cut them. A minute later Soko was confident he found the right sequence and got right to cutting them. After he severed the last connection, the case popped open with a audible click. [color=slateblue]"Ah, finally got you!"[/color] A happy Soko exclaimed. Unfortunately the contents weren't what he was hoping for, instead he found various medical supplies, he reasoned it was left here for the wounded. That said his efforts weren't for nothing, these were useful anyway. [color=slateblue]"Hey!"[/color] Soko started. [color=slateblue]"Do you think you can use these?"[/color] He closed the box and brought it right over to the medic, then smiled. [color=slateblue]"I got no idea why this was left behind for, but I think we can probably get away with it given how we're in still combat, and there's wounded, right?"[/color] He didn't give her much time to respond, as much he really wouldn't mind a conversation right about now, it also wasn't the time for idle chatter, plus he still had to work on the other boxes to see if they had ammunition. With that Soko quickly got to work on the next lock, maybe this will be the one.