[@Blackbeard][@Austronaut][@jbeil][@POOHEAD189][@Kingfisher][@Shorticus][@Lexicon][@agentmanatee][@Lord Coake][@Culluket] Righto, gonna be getting the OOC up by Friday, we'll be going for a time-period where the End Times didn't even happen and where our merry band of miscreants shall fight together simply because of coin, food, or both! Rather than actual brotherly bonds. I am going to allow more-or-less any race/species, with the utter banning of the Undead and the Skaven, if there's a good enough reason for them being there; the DoW come from all walks of life, from most races of the WHFB globe, and one needs only take a look at the old list of DoW to see the variety contained within. Anyway, I'll set about getting the OOC thread up, so...yea; any questions, then please ask them.