[b]Name:[/b] [color=6ecff6][i]Evelyn “Evie” Morris[/i][/color] [b]Alias:[/b] [color=6ecff6][i]n/a[/i][/color] [b]Age:[/b] [i][color=6ecff6]21[/color][/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i][color=6ecff6]Female[/color][/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [i][color=6ecff6]Evie is a young woman, long dark hair, brown eyes. She is 5'4 and slender. She has small hands, but rough from working a sewing machine in the factory and her nails are always short because she bites them. Her clothes are home-made, either by herself or her mother, or something she has stolen from the factory. Her hair needs a good brush, but she never really pays any attention to it. She normally has it tied up or at least pushed back from her face. [/color][/i] [hider=Picture] [img=small]http://azkamodernhouse.xyz/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/brown-hair-brown-eyes-tumblr-onyllxxo2.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Abilities] [b]Abilities:[/b] [i][color=6ecff6]Evie's superpower is invisibility. She has yet to control it, mostly finding herself phasing in and out of visibility. She knows when it is happening because she feels a sensation, almost like pins and needles. Her mother is the only one who knows about it, as she walked into Evie's room one day to find her standing in front of the mirror, invisible from the waist down. Her mother of course screamed. This jolted Evie's concentration and she became visible. Evie has been practising trying to stay fully invisible for longer periods of time, because at present she can only be completely invisible for about a minute before a hand or foot reappears. Her mother hates her practising in the house, but Evie uses her invisibility quite often to sneak in and out. More recently, Evie discovered if she is touching someone or something else, the invisibility can spread to them to.[/color][/i] [/hider] [hider=Skills and Flaws] [b]Skills:[/b] [i][color=6ecff6]Evie is good at calming people down. She is softly spoken and she can see a situation from a variety of viewpoints. This comes from years of arguing with her brother and always managing to diffuse any situation. Evie has a passion for reading and is very literate. She would often spend whole days in the library studying up on anything and everything. Evie is also good at running, making sure she stays in shape, she runs anywhere from 5-15km a day. [/color][/i] [b]Flaws:[/b] [i][color=6ecff6]Evie has never used any kind of weapon or been in a fight. If it came down to fight or flight, flight wins every time for Evie. Evie is also very stubborn and always likes to do things her own way. Evie struggles to trust people, mainly because she doesn't want to get hurt when they die or leave her.[/color][/i] [/hider] [hider=Background] [b]Background:[/b] [i][color=6ecff6]Evie was born in 2179 in New London. Her parents were working class, both of them working two jobs just to get enough money for food for the family. Evie has one older brother, Justin. Her childhood was mainly normal, they lived in a small house just on the outskirts of the "bad" part of town. Her father always used to joke that they had the best house in a bad neighbourhood. Her mother always used to sigh. Both her parents worked in a factory during the day time, making clothes. Her mother would sneak clothes home for the children, luckily never getting caught. Her father worked as a security officer in the evenings, while her mother worked on some kind of "hotline" out of the parents bedroom at night. Evie could her her mother whispering away at late hours. Life ticked along in the Morris household, things staying the status quo for sometime. Justin wanted to work for the Lorne Corporation because he thought it would be his only chance to move up in the world. He applied many times for a job but never got accepted. In 2195, Evie's father died in an accident at the factory. The family plummeted into a depression, emotionally and financially. Evie's mother quit her night job and Justin took over her father's job at the factory and as a security officer. Things weren't really the same without their father. Evie finished her education and joined her mother at the factory, thinking there wasn't any other way to live. In 2198, when the riots began, Justin got swept up in the movement. He quit both his jobs and spent all his time organising protests, attending marches and riots. Their mother always tried to tell him to be careful, but he didn't listen. One night in September, during one particularly nasty protest, Justin was killed. The circumstances of his death were never revealed. He just never came home and Evie had a lot of questions that remained unanswered. When Mars shook in 2200, things started to change for Evie. She didn't know what initially, but things started happening around her. People she knew began disappearing and she noticed herself that she had changed.[/color][/i] [/hider] [hider=Sample Post] [i][color=6ecff6]The alarm clock went off at 5am, same as it did everyday. Evie could hear her mother moving around in the other room. She could tell the light from the hallway had been turned on, as the glowing yellow light crept under the bottom of her bedroom door. She silenced the alarm with the flick of a switch and quickly jumped out of bed. She threw on her running clothes before her body had a chance to react to the cold. She pulled on her tatty running shoes and opened the door, trying to stop it creaking. She walked down the hallway, past her mother's door, which was slightly ajar. Evie could see her mother sitting on the edge of her bed, picture of her late husband, Evie's father in her hand. Evie didn't want her mother to see her, so she slipped past and out the door. The air outside was crisp, cool. There was a light wind that blew in her face and she made her way down the street. She had a set route, that only varied depending on the distance she wanted to cover. Today would be a long run, 10km at least. She slowly worked her way into a steady jog, not wanting to overdo it before she hit the middle kms, the hardest part. She liked being out in New London when it was early, when most other people were still asleep. There was a quietness to the city that didn't happen at any other time of the day. There was a stillness that she never seemed to get used to. Evie's route took her past the factory she worked at, black smoke pouring out the top at all hours of the day. She had never worked the night shift, but she assumed it was just as boring as the day time. As she ran past the factory, she wondered if there would ever be anything else for her to do in life. It seemed that like her parents, she was destined to work there forever, or at least until another tragedy struck. But maybe things were changing now. Since the shake, the management of the factory had been giving lots of overtime to staff. Her mother had been working double shifts some day. It was like they were desperate to get clothes made in case they needed to shut down. And of course, there were trying to replace members of staff that had disappeared since the shake. Evie had heard whispers, rumours about what happened, but nothing confirmed. Evie could theorise all she liked, but she never got any answers. It did give her something to think about on her runs though. An hour later, Evie returns home, having just come short of her 10km target. She is drenched in sweat but feeling refreshed. Her mother is in the kitchen now, preparing breakfast. Evie slips past into the bathroom to get ready for work. She showers quickly and gets dressed, knowing her mother would want to leave for work as soon as she was ready. Evie stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, tying her long brown hair up. "Evie, hurry up. We need to go." Her mother called from the kitchen. Evie didn't acknowledge her, instead continuing to stare at herself in the mirror. She turns to leave, but pauses. Her fingers begin tingling, that weird pins and needles sensation. She looks down at her hand, and she can see it is slowly changing into the colour of the carpet. No, she isn't changing colour, she is just becoming transparent. Evie turns back to the mirror, focusing on her hands, her arms, her upper body. Slowly, her reflection disappears. "Evie, come on. We will be late!" Her mother calls, even louder now, footsteps coming down the hall. Evie stops looking in the mirror and the tingling sensation dissipates. She grins to herself, "still got it" she thinks. Then she sighs, and leaves the bathroom, off to work for another day. [/color][/i] [/hider]