[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/e/eb/Tallisibeth_Enwandung-Esterhazy.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/500?cb=20121206235636[/img] [color=DeepSkyBlue]Name:[/color] Odette Kenobi [color=DeepSkyBlue]Age:[/color] 21 [color=DeepSkyBlue]Light Saber:[/color] Her first ever light saber was her grandfather's blue saber, but that broke on one of her first missions and she after word constructed a purple saber. Later on she upgraded it, making it into her dual bladed saber. [img]http://t09.deviantart.net/MFwenn8_TFXntzqKEkoiQTA-0qM=/fit-in/300x900/filters:no_upscale():origin()/pre15/3bf9/th/pre/i/2012/077/a/0/weapons_of_revan__double_bladed_lightsaber_by_dragonrider364-d4t70e6.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/15/04/64/1504645df12b0ec32593501022d7f3a8.jpg[/img] [color=DeepSkyBlue]Fears:[/color] As ironic as it is, she fears the dark. She is also very claustrophobic and hates enclosed spaces. Those two things coupled together is her worse nightmare. [color=DeepSkyBlue]Strengths:[/color] She is very knowledgeable when it comes to other planets, different species, and with languages. She also pays strong attention to the Force and tries to listen to it every chance she gets. This has made her able to work off of her instincts very well and make quick decisions as well, though her critical analysis makes her far from street smart and lacking in that sort of thing, her having to lean on Ben and Master Skywalker in that area when needed. [color=DeepSkyBlue]Biography:[/color] Odette was born to the son of a once great Jedi. And that Jedi was Obi Wan Kenobi. Her father had told her many tales about him, even though she herself had never known him, seeing as he had died quite a few years before she was born. Still, she found herself feeling close to her grandfather somehow. It was as though through those stories she actually did know him, and she looked up to him. She used to wonder what it was like to be a Jedi, fight the Sith, and live such a life of adventure. And, she got her wish. She would know what such a thing was like. When she was just seven years old, a great attack had befallen her home planet, her mother killed and her father gravely injured. Yet, though the man was dying, he had managed to drag himself and her aboard a ship, where he had a pair of droids take them to a planet not too far away. And on this planet was none other than the great Luke Skywalker. She had heard of the man in man stories, but to think he was real? It was a shock for the little girl, and even more so that her father knew him. His dying wish told to Skywalker was for him to care for her and train her. Her father died and on that day Luke Skywalker became her Guardian. He was her Jedi Master and she his padawan. Anywhere eh went, she followed closely, watching his every action and learning from it, soaking in all the information her young mind could. The little girl trained with him, growing better and better each day. But, things were sort of lonely. All the company she had was Master Luke, and though he wasn't bad company, she missed the socialization of having other people around. Especially those her own age. That was why when Master Luke told her his young nephew, a boy just a few years older than herself, she was estatic. Yet, meeting this boy was just the beginning of the two young Jedis' long journey. [color=DeepSkyBlue]Other:[/color] Her fear of dark enclosed spaces comes from the initial attack on her home planet that had killed her mother and many of her people. Her mother had hidden her away in a small hidden room. Enclosed off from all light in this cramped space, she had been able to hear every scream outside of her safe place, including those of her dying mother. Her father had released her from the hidden area shortly after when they went to escape, but to this day it has scarred her and being in a similar situation of darkness and cramped spaces sends her into a panic.[/center]