[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Xz4Nx3y.png[/img][/center] [center][h3]PFC Michael Roper[/h3][/center] [hr] [center][h3][i]Origin: Half-Life 1[/i][/h3][/center] [hr] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list][*]Main Weapon: Spas-12 Shotgun | 36 Shells [*]Secondary Weapon: N/A [*]Inventory:[list][*]30 ft Rope x 1 [*]Hand Grenades x 2 [*]Combat Knife x 1 [*]Tactical Radio (Short Range) x 1[/list][/list] [b]Powers and Skills:[/b][list][*]Ranged weapons training. [*]Basic CQC training. [*]Basic survival training. [*]Basic first aid training.[/list] [b]Back Story/Bio:[/b] PFC Michael Roper is a soldier in the United States Marine Corps' Hazardous Environment Combat Unit (H.E.C.U). He was one of the first soldiers to be deployed at the [url=http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Black_Mesa_Incident]Black Mesa Incident[/url], and soon confronted the horrifying aliens that had started to pop up all over the facility. During an intense fire fight, he came face to face with a lanky creature that he hadn't seen before. As he raised his weapon, the creature looked at him and uttered something unintelligible - and then everything went white. And now he's here, in a land where darkness reigns eternal, and where alien invasions are the least of his problems. [b]Starting Location:[/b] Orik Farmstead [b]Other Info:[/b]