Shiro felt a bit of sadness as the beast crumpled to the ground. He hoped it wasn't dead, even if it might've wanted to eat them. He turned to see sword guy had followed him and was now beset by more of the beasts. Shiro took a step to help but was stopped by enemies of his own. He was torn for a moment, sword guy needed help but there was no way Shiro could get past these guys fast enough. Frustrated and driven by instinct Shiro raised a hand open-palmed towards the oncoming enemies. He exhaled loudly and felt a drain of energy, as though he'd just sprinted a hundred meters and sand blasted out of his hand, blinding the two seeking to attack him as well as the second hound that was closing in on sword guy. He had to take care of these dummies before he could help anymore so he once more swung his metal pole in a massive two-handed smash on the Thug's head. He didn't really want to kill anyone but he had little choice in the matter. In another moment he would replicate his action on the other one, hoping it would be blinded long enough to let him finish it off as well, before moving to help sword guy.