[center][h2][color=003471]Operation Thunder Crack[/color][/h2] Greetings new members of the Special Operations Team. Your mission is to investigate rumors of a new shadow organization that has cropped up a not long ago, you must eliminate them with extreme prejudice, if it is possible to take them out non-lethally and capture them, the do so. You will have a small team so the enemy doesn't see you coming, the team will consist of people from different backgrounds and races, with special skills. During your journey you will encounter powerful enemies, mysterious creatures, and possibly strong artifacts, as we must not allow this Organization to continue it's dark actions.[/center] [Hider=Character Sheet template] Name: Age: Race:(No Demons or Angels) Appearance:(Text or pictures are fine) Ability type(If magic, describe what kind of magic. If it isn't magic, explain.): Equipment: Personality(Optional): Bio(Optional): Other:[/hider] [Hider=Rules] 1. There is a lot of potential in this RP for OP and god modding. I will tolerate none of it. It's not fun for me, it's not fun for the other players in the RP, and it certainly won't be fun for you. I will judge this on a case by case basis. 2. No characters are allowed to wander away from the main group(unless I give express permission.) There may be times however during the RP where characters are split up due to circumstances. 3. I require at least one paragraph, which is five sentences. Two is great. More is awesome. 4. No bright/hard to read text colors! Such as red, black, or yellow. I'll tell you if your post has readability issues. 5. While romance is not a main point for this RP, I'm fine with it as long as it stays SFW and doesn't get in the way of progression. If push comes to shove, I can and will take control of characters to keep the RP going the right direction(but I really don't want to do that.) 6. Characters must be humanoid. They don't have to be human, but they have to have the general shape of one. 7. Think long and hard before you choose your abilties. You have the potential to be quite powerful yes, but I think I've made it clear that the more powerful the ability, the worse the effects are. 8. There should be a posting order in which one person post and they must wait till 2 other people post before posting again. 9. You do not have to use one of the races I've written down, however if you don't you must include a description of your race. 10. CSes must be posted in the OOC. Once they have been approved, you may post them in the Characters section. 11. Your character(s) do not have to use magic. However, I will be taking harder looks at character sheets that do something other then magic, since I need to decide whether you've made your character powerful/skilled enough to fit in with the rest of the group. [/hider] [Hider=About the world of the RP]This RP takes place among several different dimensions, and sometimes even different times! As such, the members of the task force must be capable of adapting to many different customs, cultures, styles, and even magic to some degree. The base of operations for the SDF, Idris, is located on what is known as an Axis, a space where several different dimensions overlap. As such, it has gotten many recruits in the past two centuries it has existed, having over 80 million troops and growing. The base itself is twice the size of New York City, with walls as tall as the Empire State Building and as thick as the Pentagon. It has 4 gates, each being made of Adamantite and nearly as tall as the walls. [hider=The SDF]Founded two centuries ago, their main mission is the protection of the dimensions from demons and other forces of evil. They are very scientifically advanced and have a lot of technology that is unavailable in most dimensions.[/hider][/hider] [Hider=Magic]Magic can take many different forms, from elemental control, to shapeshifting, and even what is called Divine magic, the ultimate judgement force. And there are spots, called Axis, where magic power is exponentially more powerful(and sizeably harder to control). Idris has measures in place that allow for easier and finer control of magic within its area, but it is not the only Axis. In Axis, the fabric of space-time is much weaker, allowing those with the skills required easier access to other dimensions and times. Magic is encouraged in most dimensions, but in some dimensions it is feared, or even treated as an evil thing. The use of magic, for the most part, depends heavily on the user's mental and physical attributes, with different types of magic requiring different attributes of the two. For example, shapeshifting requires a strong sense of self and grounding, or else the shapeshifter may not be able to return to their original form, while also requiring a sizeable knowledge of the creature they are shifting into. Elemental magic depends more on emotion and physical strength. For example, Fire users tend to be more hot headed and/or fierce, while Water users are more calm. [hider=Other magicks] [hider=Divine Magic]One of the hardest types of magic to master, this requires a strong understanding(but not neccessarily ability to use) of all the other types of magic, as well as a sense of balance. In addition, users of this magic must abide by certain laws, or else risk losing their connection to the force that is Magic entirely. As such, users of Divine Magic tend to also be masters of other magicks in case of emergency. To this point, the only magic wielders to be known to be able to wield this powerful magic are descended from the Angels themselves. Wielders of this magic are capable of channeling angelic energy through themselves to enhance their other abilities, manipulating time-space itself, utilizing divine weapons/armor/equipment, and rendering divine judgement unto the forces of darkness. This takes an enormous amount of energy, and if care is not taken during use, can kill or permanently impair the user. The laws a wielder of this magic must follow are as follows. 1. You must not murder those not of evil. 2. You must only use this power against forces of darkness. 3. You must not interfere with the timeline.[/hider] [Hider=Ancient Magicks] These are just a tier below Divine Magic. They are, again, very difficult to master and very powerful. They include control over space-time(similar to Diving Magic), temporary bending of the laws of the universe, and use of extremely high level magic spells such as Ultima. Again, like Divine Magic, this requires an exorbitant amount of energy from the caster and requires a near mastery of magic as well as over one's soul, body, and mind. In addition, all Ancient Magic has a cost, be it days/weeks/months/years of the caster's life, loss of memory of an event, the life of the caster or another being. Often, the cost is not even known to the caster, so users of this magic should think long and hard before utilizing it. Because of this, wielders of this magic often have knowledge of other magic.[/hider] [Hider=Elemental control magicks]Much more common then the above two magicks, users of elemental control usually only have control over one element, due to requiring absolute understanding of the element. The wielder usually has similarities to the element they control, be it physically(such as darker skin in the case of a fire user), or mentally(such as an air user being shy and timid.) Wielders of this magic often(but not always) use a physical focus to help with the channeling of their element.[/hider] [hider=Holder magic]Another very common magic, holder magic requires significantly less mental and physical strength then other types of magic. Users of this magic utilize magical equipment(such as weapons, armor, items, books, scrolls) to cast their will upon the world. Masters of this type of magic are capable of creating their own magical equipment/items.[/hider] [Hider=Shapeshifting]A not neccessarily rare, but uncommon magic, users of this are capable of shifting their physical forms to that of other beings(both human and inhuman). Doing this requires both a strong sense of self/grounding, as well as a strong understanding of the being they are shifting into. Most shapeshifters are only capable of shifting into one or two forms, though masters are capable of shifting into a wide array of beings.[/hider] [Hider=Alchemy]Alchemy users are usually also gifted in holder magic. These users create decoctions that can aid or inhibit them and other users.[/hider] [hider=Demonic magic]One could call this the yang to Divine magic's yin. Users of this magic, while not necessarily requiring physical strength, require an enormous level of self-discipline/mental strength. Wielders have mastery over Fire and Darkness, are capable of utilizing demonic tools, and are capable of channeling demonic energy through them. However, demonic magic wielders have a stroke of darkness within them, and are weaker to the whisperings of darkness. Many end up losing their self control, allowing demons to take host over their mind and body. And the more they use their power, the stronger the whisperings grow.[/hider] [Hider=Spatial Magic]Wielders of this magic require both significant mental strength and a strong understanding of the universe. They are capable of ripping tears in the fabric of space, allowing for dimensional travel. This however requires an enormous amount of energy, so wielders often carry with them an oricalchum dagger, through which they focus their energy. [/hider] [Hider=Combat magic]Similar to holder magic, users of combat magic utilize magical equipment for combat. However, they have the ability to store their equipment in a pocket dimension, being able to pull the equipment out on a whim. Experienced users of this magic often have numerous combinations of equipment. It takes relatively little energy to utilize, however some equipment does require a constant flow of magical energy to continue using(such as most armors).[/hider] [Hider=Summoning magic]A relatively rare type of magic, summoners are able to summon beings from other dimensions to assist them in their efforts. For summoning, one requires a sizeable amount of magical power. Most summoners can only summon one being at a time. In addition, their summons grow more powerful as their summoner does. However, to use these beings, the summoner needs to make a contract with the being in question before hand. Users of other higher level magics can also summon to a degree. Divine Magic users, at the cost of a extremely large amount of energy, are capable of summoning angels(and particularly powerful ones can summon ark angels.) The same goes towards demonic magic users. And elemental magic users, if they have mastered their element, can summon a being that represents the element.[/hider] [/hider][/hider] [hider=Races] [hider=Humans]One of the most common races found almost everywhere, Humans are very common appearing mostly everywhere making them easily identifiable by many other races. [/hider] [hider=Elves]Also known as the Fair Folk, they are a very long lived race, living for up 1800 years. They are known for their prowess and knowledge in many aspects of magic(and are rumored to be the origins of ancient magic), as well as their deep magical reserves. They greatly resemble humans, except they are normally slightly taller, have tapered ear tips, and cat like eyes. They are quick on their feet, but their physical strength is usually not as great as some other races(such as humans). In addition, they do not breed well. It is not uncommon for elven couples to only be able to have one or two children. Because of this, they place great value in their children, and it is also not unknown for elves to mate with other similar races, such as humans or fae. They also have a strong connection to nature, living in cities made of treehouses and occasionally cursing beings who intrude upon their forests to hunt and chop down trees. They age much slower physically then humans, with a 300 year old elf being equivalent to a 18 year old human.[/hider] [hider=Angels]Beings that can be Physical, Spiritual, or Ethereal, Angels are creatures that stand for the light, justice, and holiness, they live in heaven and rarely mingle with the other races, preferring to allow them to sort out their own problems instead of interfering with them.[/hider] [hider=Dwarves]Short of stature and temper, they, like the elves, have long life expectancies, capable of living for centuries. Their physical strength is unmatched among the earthly races, but they do not take well to magic, taking longer to learn and master magic then other races. They normally live in large cities made of stone within caves or mountains, and have a strong affinity for minerals/rock, often being very talented at smithing of both ordinary and magical equipment.[/hider] [hider=Fae]On average the size of a human teenager, they usually are found living close to elven cities, among the forest. They are a mischievous race, often playing pranks on humans or dwarves who wander near their coves. They have an affinity for water and ice, often becoming talented elemental mages. Their life expectancy is on average three to four centuries, not as long as most other races. [/hider] [hider=Demons]The opposite of angels, like Angels though, they have Physical, Spiritual, and Ethereal, Demons are beings of darkness. They regularly interfere with the affairs of the other races, attempting to take over the dimensions and, eventually, Idris. They have been known to do anything from whisper promises of power into the ears of susceptible beings, to mounting full scale incursions onto earth, which were always repelled by Idris.[/hider][/hider] Want more lore? [url=https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=7AB7BF235AF2EB1D!1700&authkey=!AOSUYJKkUO-GVSQ&ithint=onenote%2c]Click me![/url] I will be updating this notebook whenever I get a chance. Lore book last edited March 19, 2016 at 7:34 PM EST. I added a new race, the Eternals, to the Race page. Confirmed players: Aragorn, Spriggs27, malmshodes, iHxzardx, NacNak, LeoricAquilah, Lexzah Lastly, one of the key parts of my roleplays is I accept input from fellow members of the RP regarding story and plot. So if any of you have things you'd like to see happen in the RP, please feel free to ask either in the OOC or via PM. I believe the best way to do a successful RP is to have community input. :)