[hider=Section Commander Bek][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/TIpNPwx.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][h2][color=ed1c24][b]Section Commander Arth Bek[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [center][h3][i]Magic the Gathering : Ravnica[/i][/h3][/center] [b][h3][color=ed1c24]Personal Information[/color][/h3][/b] [b]Height:[/b] 6'2", 6'5" due to armor, not including the few inches provided by the helm's ornament [b]Weight:[/b] 381 lbs, 65 of which is his armor [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Scars/Tattoos/Piercings:[/b] A rather savage scar across his lower left abdomen, a wound caused by a Rakdos shred freak, Arth has since favored his right side in combat. [b]Personality:[/b] In a nutshell Arth is the combination of a white knight paladin and a police officer. Used to conflict, especially conflict against insane enemies with no moral code, Arth has grown to coup with fear in the face of danger. While certainly not fearless he will at the very least put on a brave face before running at the shadowy tentacle creature down the hall. He has utmost faith in the Boros mission and their angel leader, and is willing to die if it means justice is dealt out. However he is experianced enough to know that it could be wiser to fall back and gather one's strength. A noble and just warrior, who has fought darkness and evil before, though he perhaps will not be ready for the endless onslaught that he finds himself in, always before having had his brothers beside or behind him. [hr] [b][h3][color=ed1c24]Equipment/Skills[/color][/h3][/b] [list][*]Main Weapon: Bastard Sword, curving blade, golden hilt [*]Secondary Weapon: A dagger, straight, ruby set in the pommel [*]Inventory:[list][*]A ring worn on his middle right finger, sized to fit over his plate mail gauntlet, inscribed with the Boros insignia. Heavier then it should be, and infused with red and white mana. [*]A leather coin purse containing a small sum of golden coins equally something akin to twenty U.S dollars in a Ravnican market. [*]Several important documents contained in a leather carrying case, the documents bearing information gleaned during a raid on a Orzhov establishment which brings light to several recent dealings between Orzhov officials and Rakdos cult leaders. [/list][/list] [b]Powers and Skills:[/b][list][*]First hand experience leading men into battle, especially against forces some may deem 'demonic', 'necromatic' or 'savage' (Rakdos, Orzhov and Gruul, respectively) [*]A minor understanding of magic, but no practical techniques, combative or otherwise. [*]Skill in swordplay gained from years of fighting in the city of Ravnica [*]A fair amount of courage gained from fighting the more insane of the Rakdos and Gruul guilds. [/list] [hr] [h3][b][color=ed1c24]Back Story/Bio[/color][/b][/h3] Arth is a human from the plane of Ravnica. Born in that city covered plane he was raised in a rather peaceful environment. When he was the age of ten however, disaster struck when his family was caught up in a Rakdos invoked riot. Being brought in by the Boros legion Arth quickly rose through the ranks of the Wojek, and now, at the age of 27, is in charge of protecting one of the ten districts of Ravnica, of overlooking the workings of the Wojek in the area and ensuing that law and justice are provided to the citizens. He had just received reports and documents that would aid in the crippling of two of the Legion's most pressing foes, when he heard something coming towards his office from the hallway. Something that didn't sound like normal, metal encased footsteps. Grabbing his sword Arth ran out into the hall, before feeling a sharp pain in the back of his neck. He would awake unharmed, still clutching his sword in one hand and the important documents in the other. Standing, he found himself in some form of forest, a dark one. The nearest structre in sight being a large stone fortification. Brushing off some dirt and dead leaves from his armor Arth would start moving towards the structure, deciding that from the towers of the fort he might be able to spot some form of landmark that would help him divine where in Ravnica he could be. [b]Starting Location:[/b] I think the best place would be... Right outside Fort Buckmere [b]Other Info:[/b] If we feel like talking about what scares Arth, he's never had to fight alone before. Sure he's been in one on one battles, but even during those he knew that should he fall there would be a fellow member of the legion nearby that could come in and deal the final blow to whoever Arth was fighting. And I think a random irrational fear would be nice. Lets say... Spiders. Cliche true but it works. [hr] [/hider]