Twix stayed by elvina's side, looking back to the others as she spoke to them and then nodded to her as her gaze returned in his direction. [color=brown]"Yes.. don't worry, I will support you"[/color] he promised, hearing that she couldn't run very well. He held her hand in a firm grip and stayed close to her in case she would need his support while trying to get out of there. He actually didn't look back to see if the others were following or not as he was quite focused on getting away himself while looking out for Elvina. All of that were enough to keep his attention busy and away from the battle. When they reached the signpost however he came to a stop, looking to Elvina for a moment. [color=brown]"You okay?, I don't think anyone is following"[/color] he said and then realized what that meant. Nobody was in fact following them, he looked around and looked back to see what was currently transpiring over by the house they had just left... [hr] [Enemy Encounter: 1 Muk +3 Grimer. [Poison] Type. ] The Stinky pokémon's didn't seem like the reasonable sort, they quickly displayed their territorial behavior by being a bit more 'shoot first' and ask questions later. When three opponents remained threateningly in front of them they attacked. The Muk ordered the Grimer's to start it of as it intended to use [b]Venom Drench[/b] on any target that poisbly became poisoned during the Grimer's attack. The Grimer's used, Mud-Slap, Poison Gas, and Sludge. -The Mud slap aimed towards: Pyro. -The Poison Gass towards: Everyone. -The Sludge towards: Frida.