"Eh...been better, James Bond." Candace replied with a bit of a shrug feeling Jack's hand land on her shoulder. Surprised her a bit since she was too entranced with her instrument and with Lucy jamming out to "Anesthesia" on her wicked black bass, more akin to a hellish war axe than a subtle stringed instrument, which she adored of her fellow metalhead. The spirit of Cliff would be proud. While the queen of shadows summoned forth the illest melodies of horror imaginable upon her bass, Candace chimed in on her Gibson with a bit of improvising, a few open strings, a few palm mutes in between and it just flowed so naturally. Yet she didn't forget Jack's little stripper crack at her, same as Drake, she rolled her eyes in her reply, "Yeah well hopefully we can get through half of the set before you're neck deep in panties, Jack." She gave their singer a sly grin before focusing back on her instrument, her fingers gracefully inching across the neck of the guitar and striking every chord with musical precision. It was close, the show was about to kick off with a bang, and there would be Thin Air, front and center. Though she looked very composed wielding her weapon of choice in sound check, Candace couldn't help but be flustered insanely on the inside. Still she continued her little jam session with Lucy, matching the guttural growls of the blonde's bass with the raucous scream of her guitar.