[center][i][b]Elven Imperium[/b][/i] [u][b]Location[/b][/u] The Elven Imperium is located on the continent of Beilokias. Beilokias is located to the north-east of Formaroth. [u][b]Crest[/b][/u] A Blue flag with the emblem of the Elven hierarchy on top (Emperor, Patricians, Priesthood, Equestrians, Commoners, Slaves) [u][b]Relations with other Kingdoms[/b][/u] The Elven Imperium’s status with near all other civilizations is either one of hostility, or animosity. This is due to the Elven Imperium’s constant invasions against different continents, or their harsh treatment of civilizations they have already conquered. Formaroth is the only nation which is an exception to this rule. After the Imperium’s decision to invade, and conquer Formaroth ended in a colossal failure, the senate of the Imperium believed that future invasions of Formaroth would be far too costly. After all the original invasion resulted in a war that lasted forty-eight years, and cost the lives of over 500,000 elven soldiers (five times more than the number of Human soldiers killed). Not to mention the invasion almost bankrupted the Imperium. As a result, the animosity between Formaroth, and the Imperium slowly died down over the years, and the two nations now share neutral relations. [u][b]Political Structure[/b][/u] Beilokias is under complete control of the Imperium, and unlike Formaroth, it is not made up of separate kingdoms. The Emperor/Empress, and the senate have complete control over the empire, and no one dares to question, or disobey their commands. The senate is made up of Patricians who elect an emperor, or empress, once the previous one dies. Social class is extremely important in the Elven Imperium, and people are always judged by their social class before all else, depending on what class, also decides what job, and lifestyle one can lead. The only way in which people can improve their standing in society is by marrying into a class above them, a task which is extremely difficult to do. Slaves are often treated extremely poorly, though slaves owned by members of the Equestrian class are usually treated with some level of decency; most slaves are owned by members of the Patricians class, who treat their slaves cruelly, and sadistically. Slaves are mostly made up of other species but they are also made up of Elven criminals. The priesthood is very different from the rest of Elven society; they are made up entirely of Elven Mages, and lead humble, peaceful lives, devoting it entirely to learning more about the world, and developing their magical skill. [u][b]Kingdom's Main Export of Goods[/b][/u] The Elven Imperium has a vast empire spanning continents, and as a result, they possess a massive trading network. The Elves import mass amounts of food, materials, tools, ornaments, etc from the nations it has control over. [b][u]Description of Beilokias[/u][/b] Beilokias is a continent with a climate similar to South America, jungle-like, hot and humid; it has a similar climate regardless of where you are. Beilokias has very varied terrain, as a vast amount of the land is either comprised of jungle or farmland. The continent is also home to several mountain ranges, swamps, and inland lakes and lagoons. The flora and wildlife of Beilokias is extremely different to Formaroth with much of the vegetation being Giant Fungi and moss rather than trees and grass. [b][u]Description of Elves[/u][/b] Elves are dark blue skinned with pointed ears and long stretched faces. Their hands have three fingers, and are more like claws than fingers. Most elves are shorter than humans by around 30cm. Elves live much longer than humans; the average lifespan of an elf is 210 years. However they also mature slower and do not reach adulthood until 30. Elves are known for their intelligence and wisdom as well as their skill in magic. They are also known to be very prideful and boastful, often looking down of other species and cultures. Those of the upper classes will go to great lengths to show off their social class. Elven architecture is difficult to describe as it is different to any other human civilization that exists in Formaroth to date. The best way to describe it would be a cross between Aztec and medieval Persian architecture. Despite only being half the size of Formaroth, the Elven Imperium is densely populated and has up to seven cities within its land (while Formaroth only has four). [i][b]Important Characters[/b][/i] [b]Name[/b]: Empress Sarya Xilxina [b]Age[/b]: 167 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Position[/b]: Empress {Further detail and characters to be added later.} [/center]